Alexandria Changes

Concerning freewill, the leaders of the Catechatical school of Alexandria supported freewill until Augustine. Augustine seems to have made a departure into Platonism. Some believed Augustine was bringing in doctrines from his Manachean (Gnostic) past.


...the nature of man can be corrupt to the point that his will is powerless to obey God's commands.

Leaders of the school disagreed.

Athenagoras 143 -214

Just as with men, who have freedom of choice as to both virtue and vice (for you would not either honour the good or punish the bad, unless vice and virtue were in their own power; and some are diligent in the matters entrusted to them by you, and others faithless), so is it among the angels. Some, free agents, you will observe, such as they were created by God, continued in those things for which God had made and over which he had ordained them; but some outraged both the constitution of their nature and the government entrusted to them: namely, this ruler of matter and its various forms, and others of those who were placed about this first firmament (you know that we say nothing without witnesses, but state the things which have been declared by the prophets); these fell into impure love of virgins, and were subjugated by the flesh, and he became negligent and wicked in the management of the things entrusted to him. Of these lovers of virgins, therefore, were begotten those who are called giants.

Athenagoras believed all men had freewill for virtue and vice, thus he was not a proponent of original sin, where most Catholics and Wesleyan/Calvinists teach man is incapable of doing good apart from Holy Spirit regeneration. He believed all men could choose virtue, not just "regenerated" men.

Clement of Alexandria 150-215 Arguing against Basilledes

Basilledes wrote

Nor will he who has not believed, not being the author [of his unbelief], meet with a due recompense; and he that has believed is not the cause [of his belief]. And the entire peculiarity and difference of belief and unbelief will not fall under either praise or censure, if we reflect rightly, since there attaches to it the antecedent natural necessity proceeding from the Almighty. And if we are pulled like inanimate things by the puppet-strings of natural powers, willingness and unwillingness, and impulse, which is the antecedent of both, are mere redundancies. And for my part, I am utterly incapable of conceiving such an animal as has its appetencies, which are moved by external causes, under the dominion of necessity. And what place is there any longer for the repentance of him who was once an unbeliever, through which comes forgiveness of sins? So that neither is baptism rational, nor the blessed seal, nor the Son, nor the Father. But God, as I think, turns out to be the distribution to men of natural powers, which has not as the foundation of salvation voluntary faith. - Basiledes

Clement defended against Basiledes by saying,

But we, who have heard by the Scriptures that self-determining choice and refusal have been given by the Lord to men, rest in the infallible criterion of faith, manifesting a willing spirit, since we have chosen life and believe God through His voice.

It does seem Augustine broke with the advice of both Athenagoros and Clement. Clement described man's gift as voluntary faith, of which Basilledes denied.

It does seem the doctrine of original sin came from Gnosticism.

Basilides was a gnostic who taught macheanism.