Convenience Store Survey Results

Because of the application by DNF Realty for a special permit for a convenience store in its new building on the Montauk Highway by the railroad trestle in East Moriches, EMPOA conducted an online survey to learn residents views on where, if anywhere, convenience stores should be located in East Moriches or Eastport. 101 residents responded, and the results were overwhelmingly against convenience stores.

The survey consisted of 3 simple questions: whether a convenience store should be permitted at the DNF site, anywhere in East Moriches, and anywhere in Eastport. The survey can be viewed here. 86% of the respondents were against a convenience store at the DNF site. 68% were against a convenience store anywhere in East Moriches and 61% were against a convenience store anywhere in Eastport. The respondents were predominately from East Moriches (77% of the approximately 50% who gave their hamlet).

Except for information identifying each respondent, you can view the responses in a summary or in a table showing all responses.