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1500 residents signed the Petition below. The signed Petitions were presented to the Planning Board and the Town Board on November 23 and 24 by EMPOA and residents.

Petition to the Town Of Brookhaven


We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about three pending applications for high density development in the Eastport and East Moriches communities known as, "Eastport Meadows", "Eastport Hamlet Center", and "The Hamptons Club". The magnitude of each individual project will significantly affect the surrounding communities in numerous ways. Cumulatively, the impact of three high density projects in such close proximity, threatens to irreversibly alter the quality of life in the Eastport/East Moriches area.

We want to be informed about large scale projects and their individual and collective impact on us and our environment before they are considered for approval, so that we can comment knowledgeably on them at public hearings. We believe it is important for the Town to understand the collective impact of these projects so that they can make informed decisions when they come up for a vote.

We ask that the Town have a single environmental impact statement prepared on these three projects. It should, in one document, assess the collective impacts of these projects using one reliable set of data. It should take into account the impacts of other nearby projects that have already been approved but are not fully built and occupied. It should be completed and available to the public prior to any public hearing on these projects.