Proposed Receiving Areas (a/o 2/29/12)

The links on the left are to projects on this subsite only. For all project pages, go to EMPOAweb's main home page.

Sorry layout, text coloring and links are not all right. Google changed the way Sites pages work. Fixing things will take some time.

For the map to show below, your security settings must be appropriately set. When the map first opens, you can see only some of the pins. Zoom in to see more in a given area.

The Google map below works like a regular one. Zoom in and out to see detail. Double click on the map to zoom in and center. Click on the map pins to see detailed info on each site. Click on the list to the left to go to specific sites. The first digit in each list items is the Council District.

You can filter the list and the pins showing on the map by typing in the filter box just below the list. For example, entering "1." without the quotes shows just the sites in the 1st Council District.

The sites shown were one in the Town's receiving area list prior to Resolution 282 being proposed for acceptance of the plan at the Town Board meeting on March 6, 2012. Since then, there have been public statements that certain sites have been removed from the list, and even that the entire list has been elilminated from the proposal. Since these sites were said to have been checked with the developer community, it is reasonable to think that some or all will continue to be prospective receiving sites.

The sites have been located based on information available--which is not as precise or complete as the Town's. If you spot something you think is not accurrate, please email us.