
Here are the notes for reading email from a Python script:

Reading Email:

The example below works on Python2.

Note that you have to put a BLANK LINE between text for it to show up on a separate line.

GMAIL has to be set to only forward POP mail from <now>, or it forwards ALL email messages (read, filed, or inbox).


import poplib

mailServer = 'pop.gmail.com'

emailID = 'example@gmail.com'

emailPass = 'xxxx'

## open connection to mail server (Secured using SSL)

myEmailConnection = poplib.POP3_SSL(mailServer)

## print the response message from server

print myEmailConnection.getwelcome()

## set email address


## set password


## get information about the email address

EmailInformation = myEmailConnection.stat()

print "Number of new emails: %s (%s bytes)" % EmailInformation

## Reading an email

print "\n\n===\nRead messages\n===\n\n"

## Read all emails

numberofmails = EmailInformation[0]

for i in range(numberOfMails):

for email in myEmailConnection.retr(i+1)[1]:

print email

- See more at: http://www.codemiles.com/python-tutorials/reading-email-in-python-t10271.html#sthash.qYlbueoo.dpuf

Sending email:

The following web page has a working example: http://rpi.tnet.com/project/faqs/smtp

Get these packages:

sudo apt-get install ssmtp

sudo apt-get install mailutils

sudo apt-get install mpack

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

In that file, edit or add these lines:






Now you can send mail with the unix command:

mail -s "this subject" userid@gmail.com < input_file

Looks like Gmail uses port 465, but yahoo uses port 587 instead of 465(?).

"IT seems that the problem may be that I've tried using port 465 instead of 587. In the google help it says that 465 is SMTP with SSL and 587 is SMTP with TLS (whatever those are "