Services & Specialties

PROPOSITION 1 of Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya, September 28, 2014

I have about 11 distinguished points as possible to earn profit.

1. Receive profit in flotation

2. Use mix of reagents

3. Solve the problem of flotation of arsenic.

4. Improve technology through testing each cell of machines of flotation

5. Change direction of flows

6. Calculate schemas and discover weaknesses of schema.

7. Earn savings by good condition of climate

8. Receive economy in shredding (grinding) area

9. Jointly develop feedstock of ore

10. Use modern equipment

11. Reuse tailings, slag after smelting furnaces

PROPOSITION 2 of Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya, January 12, 2015

I have follows solutions:

  1. Often Chilean ores are not very sulfide minerals (eg 3.5-6%).

  2. Minerals of Chile has anhydrite, which depress the molybdenite...

  3. I know the much specialists of flotation. In the plants of flotation do not like change reagents.

  4. Over the modern patents, I made a schemes for three plants...

  5. The enterprises provides new reagents that is very safe.

  6. I can create schemes to improve the flotation on the each plant...

PROPOSITION 3 of Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya, April 10, 2015

In our days, when metals prices go down, there is a desire to save money. It is desirable that the economies did not take place at the expense of wages. I offer to you the following types of savings (mainly in America):

1. Savings at reagents (cost of reagents is 4%)

2. Processing of slags or of tailings (the tails).

3. Tuning of the plant.

4. Saving water.

I have great experience in the follows filds:

1. Creation of the mixtures of flotation reagents to ensure the synergistic effect.

2. Creation of the modified reagents to ensure selectivity of flotation.

3. Creation of the regimes (modes) of flotation is very effective for any ore, including choice of reagents, order of addition, amount, and mach other.

4. Creation of the supplements (the additions) of flotation reagents to increase content and recovery.