Karonge (Gakara)

Karonge (Gakara)

Carbonatite with residual enrichment rare earth element deposit in , Burundi

Deposit type: Carbonatite with residual enrichment

REE minerals: bastnäsite, monazite, rhabdophane, cerianite, fluocerite

Ore minerals: cassiterite, barite, pryomorphite, galena

Gangue minerals: quartz, carbonate, microcline, biotite, goethite

Host rock types: metasedimentary rocks, gneiss, granite

Average grade:

Status: Past small producer REE

Company: Societe Miniere de Muhinga et de Kigali (1988)

Resource estimates: Mineable ore-- 0.06 Mt @ 3.0% bas (1.59% REO)

REE deposit in quartz-barite-bas-mon stockworks of uncertain affiliation, but assummed in references to have carbonatite source. Weathering has produced rhab and cer. Production ceased, due to irregular distribution of grade, in 1978.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org

  2. http://mrdata.usgs.gov/ree/show-ree.php?rec_id=125

  3. http://www.nationalturk.com/en/burundi-tourism-the-bururi-natural-reserve-is-the-best-place-to-be-when-you-are-in-burundi-africa-news-41772/

© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya, 2016
