Ondurukurme Complex
Ondurukurme Complex (Ondumakorume, Kameelberg)
Carbonatite rare earth element deposit in , Namibia
Deposit type: Carbonatite
REE minerals: monazite, ancylite, cerianite, carbocernaite
Ore minerals: apatite, pyrochlore, strontium, hematite, vermiculite, magnetite, zircon, galena, pyrite
Gangue minerals: chlorite, biotite, calcite, aegirine, goethite
Host rock types: beforsite, sovite, breccia, syenite
Average grade:
Status: REE, P, Sr, Nb resource
Resource estimates: 8 Mt @ 3% REO, 0.3% Nb2O5
Ondumakorume complex forms a prominent hill on the Etaneno 44 farm, about 10 km NE of Kalkfeld. Separation of ore is problematic. Carbonatite contains 3% REO, 7% P2O5, 2.5% SrCO3.