How to lose everything

How to lose everything.

Bad advice on investment at mining

By Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Bad advice 1. If someone persistently urges you to invest in the "True matter", "The Eighth Wonder of the World", etc., then always agree! You thing that it is insulting to miss such a direct possibility of multiplying your capitals! It's the same as playing in the Casino. But after all, the casinos are full of people! May be it will give you confidence.More...

Bad advice 2. Believe the promises of brokers, geologists, consultants, friends and acquaintances! Believe a large number of likes and positive comments at the Internet, a large number of signatures and recommendations of authorized persons. Do not hesitate, do not delve into the process, do not check anything, just buy or invest!Here are a lot of them! They have a unanimous opinion, so it is true. They know what they say, probably?!The main thing is to do it very quickly! What the independent experts and independent additional samples and studies? Just no time! Such treasure will immediately go to someone more nimble!

Anyway, that’s how many papers already signed. Enough of these documents! After all, these authorized people with degrees could not sign something if they were not completely sure that everything is OK! However, confuses the fact that many of the signatories were from different countries and very distant … But it is even better! World experience in action! However, do these respected people with degrees know about their signatures on documents?

Let your hope warms you that billionaires, who make their fortunes in mining, exist and you will soon join their ranks. More...

© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya, 2018

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