
Yangibana (Western Australia)

Carbonatite with residual enrichment rare earth element deposit in Western Australia, Australia

Deposit type: Magmatic, Carbonatite with residual enrichment

REE minerals: Monazite

Ore minerals: magnetite, hematite

Host rock types: mica schist and gneisses intruded by alkaline granite and syenite

Average grade: 3.09% monazite, 1.7% REO

Status: Potential resource

Resource estimates:

3.1 @ 1.7% REO (1989)

ama 11% REO

3.5 Mt @ 3.09% mon (1.7% REO)


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org

  2. https://books.google.cl/books?id=jPskAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA4-PA13&lpg=RA4-PA13&dq=Green+Cove+Springs+Mine+monazite&source=bl&ots=8xH_PV9MoG&sig=MkXPfqzQ6OM4zmU2OWc-eHL2-GQ&hl=ru&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6-bG1mfbMAhUDE5AKHYGfCWsQ6AEIKDAD#v=onepage&q&f=false

  3. http://mrdata.usgs.gov/ree/show-ree.php?rec_id=149

@ Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

June, 2016
