Problem Jobs

On the Job Control screen you can log a job as a Problem Job. This helps with many procedures later, most users will add problems in the comments but we would say if this escalates add the problem in by using the Problem button at the top right of the page. Then this can be found later from the main browse screen and also for the Sales Team this can be seen in the CRM.

Click on the the Problem button and then "New"

Complete the problem with as much detail as possible in the top area

With the description, Type, Severity and who this was reported by

Then add some detail to the action, and this could be at a later date when the problem was solved. you can report more then one action against the same problem.

Complete with the Type, Status, how this was resolved and the Description.

ONCE complete click the complete tick box at the top and make sure the date is completed.

This will close the problem, you can now search for this later to help with problems for customers, or suppliers or as a whole company later