This screen is a cost centre for the job. You can type costs in and out along with the supplier. Totals will show at the bottom of the screen and also a Percentage to help with Profit and Loss.
Description - Select the charge description from the drop down (Double Click to add)
Supplier - Select the supplier from the list
Currency - Currency line
Est Cost - Est of the Cost to help with Profit and Loss totals
System info - Internal info
Invoice Number - This will show a invoice number once the job has been invoiced.
Currency - Currency to show on the invoice.
Charge - Charge to show on the invoice to customer.
Tax - Tax code
Show - Select this box if you wish to show the line on the invoice print
Comments - Used for comments to show on the print
Actual Cost - This will complete at a later date once the Supplier invoice has been passed
Supplier Inv Num - This will complete at a later date once the Supplier invoice has been passed