Then and Now G-L

 Susie Gerngross Pomerantz

Class June '65  

I am so sorry to miss the festivities, here is a quick catch up on the last 45 years. I went to U of I, circle campus and finished my last two years at NIU with a degree in speech pathology. I was then hired by Bellwood IL as dept. head of speech pathology for 8 years. I then went thru a long term engagement that ended before the wedding. Luckily in 1972 met Jeff Pomerantz not the Jeff Pomerantz that lived down the street from me on Luella, and not the the Hollywood Porn star. The Jeff I met was the one who graduated from Mather also in 1965. Jenny was born in 1977 and we moved to Waukesha, WI. and Amy came along in 1979. I started out as a stay at home mom until Amy was in school and then I taught Waukesha City Preschool. In 1990 we all moved to Mequon, Wisconsin and built a home.  Jenny Married and gave us our beautiful granddaughters Zoe 9, and Madaline 6.  Jenny took a while (10years) to figure out a career, and is now half way through her bachelors in nursing degree. Amy did undergrad at UW Madison and has a Masters in Special Ed form UW Milwaukee. She works as a nanny, makes a good salary, and has a steady boyfriend...Who knows what is in store in the future? I had back surgery in May and am doing physical therapy, swimming and need additional treatments to improve my condition. It is doubtful that I will ever walk long distances, but success would be diminishing the boat load of narcotics that I take daily to manage the pain. Email, Phone 262-242-7738, and would love to hear from old (long time) friends. I hope to see you all at the 50th                                                    

 Jon Goldberg,  (left in 1964)


Whenever I give the synopsis of my life I start with June 1964.  I was happy, had lots of great friends, I was dating the captain of the cheerleaders and the future just seemed rosy.  Then I found out our family was leaving Chicago and on short notice off we went to northern New Jersey.  Spending senior year in a different high school as a loner was tough.  The next year we moved again to southern New Jersey.  Now totally disoriented, my father sent me to Drexel University in Philadelphia, which I saw for the first time on the first day of college.  I studied Metallurgical Engineering because a nice teaching assistant directed me toward their small, personal, outstanding program.  I worked hard, made new friends and by graduation felt I had regained my footing, but had missed out on much of the college social experience and still didn’t know what I wanted to do.  The University of Michigan provided the opportunity to stay in school, live the campus life and think about careers.  Ann Arbor was great.  I finished graduate school in 1975 and took a faculty position at the University of Connecticut, School of Dental Medicine doing research and teaching materials to dental students.  I married a girl friend from Drexel, but that ended after about two years.  I soon met Deb.  She is wonderful, and we have shared life’s joys and sadness.  Twenty-six years later we are happily married, still live in Connecticut and as I write this I’m listening to one of our three kids play a Martin guitar my mother gave me in 1964 to pass the time when we moved to New Jersey.  Deb has gone back to work as a paralegal as the kids struggle to enter the workforce in a tough economy.  I often wonder how life would have turned out had I graduated from Bowen and I often think about everyone from Chicago.  I feel terrible that I didn’t stay in touch, but I’m really looking forward to the Reunion and a second chance to reconnect.


Alan Gilman, Class June '65 

After graduation I attended the U of I receiving a BS in microbiology and physiology and an MS in molecular biology.Then it was on to Loyola Medical school graduating in 1974. I remained there thru 1979 to complete training in Internal Medicine and Hematology/Oncology.Ptivate practice in the north side of Chicago followed with additional activities in teaching,research and administration. At the beginning of this year I restricted my career to half time practice only.  I married,Harriet Solomon, in the middle of internship. We have three grown children. Joy is married and has given us two granddaughters. Brian teaches English at Deerfield High School. Suzanne is a senior medical student at Washington U in St. Louis. She will graduate in May of next year and marry long time Beau, Paul Saldarriaga in that time frame.  I enjoy travel,bridge tournaments,scuba diving and cooking.Natalie Goldman-Gardner gets the photo credit for the attatched picture-taken on a trip down memory lane in 4/08 by Bob VanGelder,Natalie and myself.Nat,Sue Yale and I organize the annual manor reunion picnic to be held 8/22 this year. All 65 alums are invited!  Email         


Steven D. Goldberg,  Class June '65

I have a remarkable life. With my BS in Journalism and Communications from the U of I and immense desire to see and experience the far corners of the world I became a travel agent extraordinaire thirty three years ago. I enjoy a lucrative and successful career. I am comfortable in every corner of our planet... From Safaris in Africa and Nepal where I have walked and ridden beside lions and elephants and visited the Masai Tribes in their homes to the megalopolis's of the world...I am rich in the human experience. It is a fabulous time!  The funny thing though is that with all the cultural differences we're really all the same. My Shabbat dinner is their Sunday lunch in Rome. My matzo ball soup is their pasta! The whole experience is deliciously humbling and has given me a deep understanding of humanity...mine and everyone else's!  So I've taken these " gifts " and have put them into motion in the service of others.In all of my relationships,  business and personal, this applies. It's very 

rewarding to understand another's needs  and affect the outcome.  Seven years ago in Chiang Mai Thailand I deepened my level of service and became a reflexologist. Between my career in travel and performing the reflexology the healing wisdom continues.   I still reside in Chicago with four devoted pals. They are my teachers as well. I look forward to seeing all of you in July. Until then..all the best. Email


Steven M. Goldberg,  Class June '65

The image on the right is of my children and my cousin, Dorothy Anker who lives in Oregon. Some  Bowenites attended her summer daycamp, Green Valley Day Camp.

I have been a lawyer since 1972, and am now practicing solo in Portland, OR.  My favorite memories of Bowen involve my wonderful friends, some of whom are still in my life. I recall sitting outside someone's house with Elliott Delman and Madely Tarnofsky when West Side Story movie came out, and singing the music.  I currently represent union pension and health plans, and do divorce law and injury lawsuits. I was part of a team that successfully challenged medical and mental health conditions in the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute.  My greatest passion has been to represent unpopular and controversial clients. In 2005,I represented Emiliano Santiago, a member of the Oregon National Guard who, after fulfilling his eight-year commitment, challenged the involuntary extension of his enlistment contract and deployment to Afghanistan. This case exposed the unfairness of what Senator John McCain referred to as the Army's "backdoor draft."  Since 2006, I have been part of the legal team representing an Oregon Islamic charity challenging the Bush administration's policy of warrantless electronic surveillance. Our suit was upheld recently by the U.S. District Court in San Francisco. The issue is whether the case can proceed despite the government's attempt to end the case based on its assertion of the "state secrets privilege."  Living through the events of the 60s defined my career, my friends, groups to whom I contribute and those with which I work. I gained most of my values in those years and have tried to stay true to those ideals.  Email


I enjoyed seeing so many of you at the 45th reunion, and am sorry not to be with you for our 50th.

All is well in Oregon.  I've now moved into semi-retirement and am still trying to figure out what that means.  I'm no longer doing "paying" cases, although I continue to handle what I would call political cases.  Most recently I've been representing a U.S. citizen who was placed on what is called the No Fly List, and remained on that List for over three years.  (  I've been involved in several other cases involving national security -- a case challenging the Army's stop loss program, a case challenging the Bush warrantless surveillance program.  Although we often lose these cases, they are one aspect of broader political struggles to enforce principles which are at the core of what makes  our country great.

I've also been involved in international human rights work primarily through a group I've belong to for years, the National Lawyers Guild.  Last March I was in Cambodia for several weeks working with a law firm there trying to do public interest work.  And I'm exploring doing work divorced from law -- perhaps tutoring or teaching, perhaps some writing.

My wife, Linda, works at the Medical School in Portland (where Howie Cohen is also affiliated) in the Alzheimer's Research Center, primarily doing research on the impact of the disease on families and communities of color.  She also is chair of the board of a wonderful organization -- Green Empowerment - which you should all google.

My daughter, Emily, is a social worker in Portland; she was just married in June.  My son, Sylvan, is now getting a doctorate in English from Stanford University and is on the path to becoming a university professor.  

My wife and I moved into a new home which we built in the heart of hipster Portland (google Waverly Commons).  We encourage any of you who haven't come to this beautiful state to visit Oregon; we have an extra room for you.

I continue to see Joel, Randy (in Oregon and Arizona), Howie, Jon -- although not enough.  Rarely Bob Rosenthal and Mark Friedman who also live in Portland.  Bob Sloan and I had planned to meet at  his home in France; but, alas, our plans were disrupted by a teaching commitment he had in Egypt.  We are spending much of this summer backpacking and conditioning for a planned trek along the Inca Trail in Peru in October.  

I do cherish our time together in high school, and wish you all a wonderful reunion.

Harold Goldman,  Class June '65

I started college at U of I at Chicago Circle.  After two quarters, I was smart enough to know that I had no idea what I really wanted to do.   I enlisted in the Air Force.  In a brilliant stroke of "military intelligence", they took note of the computer exposure I got from a special program that IIT had for high school students.  At basic training, I scored perfect on a computer aptitude test; so they assigned me to be a medic.  At the last moment, thank God, they snatched the bedpans and I became a medical equipment repairman.   After discharge, I married Denise.  Although I had known her since 7th grade, we never dated.  Her older brother Fred, dated Renee, my older sister, Ellen's best friend.  Renee had a younger sister, Joyce.  Denise became friends with Joyce and I dated Joyce.  Therefore, Denise was the friend of my girl friend.  I knew Denise as a friend for 11 years  before we dated.  Forty years later I am still married to my friend Denise.  I still was clueless about what I wanted to do.  However, I seemed to like electronics.  An advisor at DeVry said that, if I liked math, (yes, thank you Mr. Wolf), I would do well at DeVry.  Twelve quarters later, I graduated first in the class with a Bachelor in Electronic Engineering Technology.  I did not look for a job.  Bell Telephone Labs sought me out.  After about 5 years, I left the Labs but soon hooked back up with AT&T.  I had a typical management career.  If you do a job well, they reward you by assigning a different function that you had no prior skills, training or interest.  As Ma Bell went thru the breakup, I survived 5 major work force adjustments and had worked as a technical course writer, a teacher for central office techs, a technical resource in corporate security, the technical advisor on a national account sales team and technical support for the engineering department handling installation of toll free services.  Note that the key word is "technical".  Although I was "management",  I never was a supervisor.  Sometimes they get it right.   Along the way, I had a company transfer to the San Francisco Bay area.  It was going to be for a few years before I would be moved again.  The breakup changed that and I remained in Northern Ca.   In 1999, they had another work force adjustment program.  This time they made me an offer that I could not refuse, and, after 25 years, I took an early retirement.  I enjoyed retirement for 9 months until my mother's health crashed and I found myself again working "full-time" addressing her needs.  Oh well, I now understand that old saying:  "man plans, God laughs".   After 28 years, I have not forgotten my Midwest roots.  Any day that I am not shoveling snow is a great day.  Email

Natalie Goldman Fredrickson-Gardner,  Class June '65

First, I want to thank everyone who took the time to send in their bios. I have enjoyed reading all of them.  Now,   I will try to summarize my life as briefly as possible, although I have a reputation for never being brief.  After graduating from Bowen, my life has taken many twists and turns.  I went to the U of I in Champaign, transferred to Northern Illinois U, quit, went back to U of I in Champaign, quit, then returned to finish college at U of I at Chicago Circle Campus while working full time for the American Jewish Committee.   I began as a secretary there but after graduating college (took me 11 years) I was promoted  to  Assistant  Area  Director.   After 7 years I quit and went to law school (DePaul).  (Between college and law school I spent many years acting in community theater, led a girl scout troop with Hollis Buben and sang with a band that opened for  both Baby Huey and the Babysitters  and Herman and the Hermits.) While in law school, I met and married my first husband (not a lawyer).  I have two children from that marriage (which ended about the time I began my career as a criminal defense attorney with the Cook County Public Defender’s office (1990), where I am still working – at the Rolling Meadows courthouse).  My daughter Fawn will be 29 in  June.  She graduated Columbia College in Chicago with a degree in Fashion, worked as a fashion designer for a couple of years, moved to L. A., started substitute teaching while looking for work, realized her love for children, went back to school and got her master’s degree in social work and is now working for DCFS.  My son Anders will be 25 in August.  He moved to Phoenix this year and is enrolled at the motorcycle maintenance technical institute there, working towards being a certified Harley Davidson mechanic.    In 1985, my husband and I moved to McHenry, Illinois.  It was there that  I  became a  “Jew for Jesus,” so to speak.      We   joined a Presbyterian church,   where I  became  active, and still  am,  in  the choir, as an  elder, and as a teacher.   In 2008, I traveled to India  and met the young man I had adopted 9 years earlier through an organization called Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.   It was a spectacular trip and I can’t wait to go back.   On September 5th, 2009,  I married Philip Gardner, a retired electrical engineer  (it’s never too late),  who  I met in church, but got to know outside of church, through our mutual interest in music.  So now we go to a lot of music concerts and a lot of plays.  We also belong to a bicycle club.  We just bought a house in Woodstock, Illinois and are fixing it up, while we try to sell our individual homes in McHenry.   I have been greatly blessed with good health and hope to have many wonderful years ahead of me , so I can see my children married with children of their own and enjoy  married  life with my new husband.  Told you I was long winded. Email 

Gayle Greenblatt Tepper,  Class June '65

I remember my years at Bowen as fun, exciting, innocent and interesting as I realized there is a whole world that existed beyond high school. To this day I credit my love of literature, opening my eyes and heart, and making my world bigger to Mrs. Stanek. I remember the shock as I stood by my locker and someone told me President Kennedy had been assassinated - that is the day I grew up. I remember Phi Omega, the Sings and a "pass" for four years from swimming so I did not have to go in the disgusting pool the boys swam and peed in! I am married to the love of my life, Les Tepper (from South Shore), have a daughter who grasped the evolution and independence of women who I take pride in and two precious grandsons that are my purest joy. I live in Chicago and am a Residential Real Estate Broker (for 25 years), loving what I do, specializing in upper bracket properties on Chicago's Gold Coast Downtown and Near North areas. Sweet memories of special people at Warren and Bowen will always be part of me.

Charlene Griffiths Nielsen, Class June '65

Bob and I met in the 4th grade and were separated for a few years because I changed schools and reunited in high school. However, we never dated, just good friends until graduation.  We dated through college and got married 20 Sep 1969.  In March 1970 Bob entered the Army and we were stationed at Ft. Benning, GA.   From there we went to Ft. Lewis, WA after passing through North Carolina.  We have 2 sons and 6 grandchildren. 

Bob worked for Holland America Line in Seattle, Washington and retired at the age of 48; and in 2004 we moved to North Carolina and left the family behind in Washington for better weather so Bob could golf.  Bob passed away 22 June 2014; in 2003 we found out that he had an aneurysm in the basilar artery extending from the top of the brain to the base.  It started to grow in 2013, he went through 20 hours of surgery had a massive heart attack and a massive stroke never came out of the coma.  He was a wonderful husband and a great father and grandfather. Email:

Dory Grossman Berger,  Class June '65

Hard to believe that it has been 45 years since we graduated from Bowen. After graduation I attended Uof I Chicago Circle majoring in art and architecture. I dropped out in 1966 and became a medical lab technologist. In 1968 married and stopped working when my 1st son Corey was born in 1970. We lived in Schaumburg for 13 yrs. and then moved to Scottsdale, AZ.  I had two more boys while living in Schaumburg.  After my 3rd son was born I was fortunate to realize a lifelong dream of owning and riding horses.  After moving to Arizona in 1983 I founded a non profit organization that benefited horse medical research by a unique horse adoption program, which was the first of its kind in the country. I divorced in 1989 and was forced to give up my beloved horses and go back to work. I worked for the Arizona Education Association for 15 years as their event planner and was also in charge of membership. I retired in 2007 to care for my mother who was dying of cancer.  My boys Corey 40, Jason 35, and Scott 32 are all single and successful, with no desire as of yet to marry and have children, so no grandchildren to report.   Since my mother’s passing I enjoy volunteering at the local hospital, going to play bingo, and occasionally giving riding lessons.  Email:

Lawry Gurvitz (1947-1988),  Class June '65


In Memoriam: Lawrence Gurvitz

The untimely passing of Lawry Gurvitz 22 years ago was one of the saddest days of my life. It created a void I feel to this day. To know Lawry was simply to like him. He was one of  the nicest people I have ever met. Lawry was genuine and totally without guile.  Armed with a great sense of humor, and a disarming charm, he was approachable no matter who you were. His menagerie of unique friends was a testament to that. I met Lawry in the 4th grade at Warren School, where  he was instantly one of the most popular in the class. No “Coke” party  (as in Coca Cola) was complete without him.  My best memories of the South Side were shared with Lawry. He was always very inquisitive and loved to tinker with appliances. My father discovered this one day when he found our hi- fi set scattered in pieces on the basement floor. Lawry just hadn’t got around to figuring out how to actually reassemble the pieces. As members of the  “Chappel Gang “ (resembling more the Little Rascals than a contemporary gang) we hung around with a gaggle of neighborhood kids on 90th and Chappel. The principal activities were bike riding in Stoney Island Park, playing  pinners against our front porch steps,  running bases on the lawn and  “sewer to sewer” touch football on the street. Our more mischievous activities involved harassing vehicles---snow balls in the winter and stopping cars in the summer by pulling an imaginary rope from each side of the street. During our junior and senior years at Bowen we sold shoes at Bakers on 63d and Halsted with the Lindenberg brothers, Eddie Spitz and Steve Schoneberger. We didn’t earn much but we sure laughed a lot. We later shared an apartment  at the U of I in Champaign. After college, Lawry got married and attended law school in northern California. When he returned to Chicago there were camping and canoe trips, including a memorable trip to the Superior-Quectico boundary waters near Canada. Being wilderness novices, we brought a ridiculous amount of provisions that had to be schlepped over rough portages. One incredulous camper asked if we had brought our bowling balls too. When we finally broke camp, we stayed awake a night worrying about bears. But these follies were great fodder for the return car trip when we laughed for 8 hours. A few years later, after the kids arrived, Lawry suggested that we take sailing lessons at the Wilmette sailing beach. That led to the purchase of a small used boat, which was later replaced by a catamaran. We didn’t have much skill as sailors, but those were joyous weekends that were spent together with spouses and kids on the beach. Over the years, the Gurvitz family suffered Kennedyesque tragedies. During our junior year in college, Lawry’s older brother Jeff was killed while serving as a Lieutenant in Vietnam.  Jeff’s widow, Barbara Sonneborn, was the inspiration for the book and movie Regret to Inform. Twenty years later, after a valiant fight, Lawry finally succumbed to leukemia. Clearly, the greatest treasures in life are friendships. While Lawry’s premature passing still hurts, his legacy is a wonderful  treasure trove of fond memories for his friends to cherish forever.  He was a genuine mensch.  ~Marc Pullman

Lee Groban (1947-2011), Class June '65

I was born in Chicago & have lived in Chicago most of my life. The neighborhood I grew up in was on the south side(Merrionette Manor (nowhere near English Bay or Strathcona). In fifth grade when the teacher tried to teach us the names of the earth's elements, I couldn't stop laughing (during that time I was going to a private school). Because of that, she suddenly jerked her body, bowed down on the floor & screamed, “Allah Boodhah!” In sixth grade (my first year at the public school in the neigh- borhood I grew up in, Luella),  I used to tell my classmates I came from MaaaAAAaaars. At one point 2 teachers had me come into their office to ask me if I “really came from there”. Amazingly enough, some years later, Jimi Hendrix said he “came from Mars” in the introductory part of his album, “Axis Bold as Love” (he didn't have to “worry” about being confronted by teachers questioning him on his “claim”, though). 

After high school I graduated with a B.A. In Russian language & area studies from the University of Illinois in Urbana & an M.A. In library science from Northern Illinois University.  Since then I couldn't find work related to my university degrees. I also couldn't find work when I tried looking for other more “desirable” white-collar jobs (for jobs of that type I mainly had no training or experience). So I “drifted” into the arts(I decided that that was the best way to spend my time).  I sometimes sell my artworks, have had some of my artwork on display at a few big-name entertainment clubs, had one of them published as an album cover for a rather obscure jazz group(title of album: Jockey Jack Boogie). I used to go out with a girl whose name is not Ramalamalamadingdong, sometimes others off & on during different stages of my life. Some of my poems & other writings have also been published in various small-press magazines & local newspapers(I also got into writing after high school (when I was an undergrad university student)). One reason I'm also still working on the promotion of that is because making it in the art business is not so easy(especially in the world of fine arts). I have also read my poems at entertainment clubs & on videotape. A movie a friend produced which I'm the main character in (in which I also read excerpts of my major written work) made the records in the Guinness Book as "Longest Movie Ever Made"  These days I spend most of my spare time rocking back & forth to music in cheap restaurants. The highly complex art of rocking back & forth to jukebox music requires the deepest concentration & thought.  I almost forgot to mention_a collection of my artworks is currently in one of the galleries in West Loop (near Greek Town), Chicago. 

Jim Haleem, Class June '65

It seems like yesterday that I graduated from Bowen and left for WIU (Western Illinois University) where I played a little football, pledged a 

fraternity and graduated with a BA in Education.  After teaching 3 years at Mundelein HS in the northern Chicago suburbs and getting a Masters from Northeastern Illinois University in Counseling, I left teaching and started a 30 year career at Motorola Corporation.  During that 30 years I was transferred from the Chicago area to Cleveland, Ohio When my son Kent was 2 years old  (now 35 and working for a nonprofit in LA), divorced, married the love of my life Rosemary, and began raising my beautiful 10 year old step-daughter Michelle currently married and living in Atlanta where she’s a senior executive serving the utility industry .  We were transferred from Cleveland to Detroit, Detroit to Chicago, Chicago to London (England), and back to Chicago where I was fortunate to retire at 54 (or should I say I changed professions) in 2001 as Corporate VP.  Rosemary and I moved to Tucson, AZ to get out of cold winters where I began teaching management and strategy classes in the University of Arizona’s MBA program, and doing some limited consulting for a few technology companies.   Rosemary and I were in warmth, playing a lot of golf and living the American dream when Ellyn Mose Gold (also living in Tucson and one of the “chief organizers”  of Bowen’s 45th)  found me on Facebook.  Clearly suspect after receiving an email claiming to be someone I knew 45 years ago, I checked her out in the Bowenite. Now I’m headed back to my first reunion since graduating from high school to reconnect with long lost, but not forgotten friends – thank you Ellyn for finding me..  Email


It’s been 5 years since Ellyn Gold tracked me down for our last class gathering in Chicago, and life has gotten even better.  Rosemary and I have traveled to Alaska, the Greek Isles, and have 3 3,000 mile plus road trips around our great United States in support of her love of photography.  Our son Kent has settled down in a job he loves as an administrator at University of Southern Cal in their transplant area.  Our daughter Michelle still travels the world consulting as a VP at Cap Gemini Consulting while our son-in-law Derek keeps things calm on the home front.  As for me, 3 new sets of golf clubs and 6 putters and my handicap is still 13 with NO hole in ones (now it’s been 52 years).  I keep thinking that I will find the perfect set of clubs that will hit the ball perfectly and get my game to even par.  My core belief is that it’s NEVER the Indian but always the arrow.  Well that’s about it from Tucson, AZ.

Denise Hirsch Goldman, Class June '65

Went to U of I Chicago Circle where I graduated with BA in Sociology/Anthropology.  Started my career working as a psychiatric child care counselor.  Then worked as a special ed teacher in a private school.  After working in my field for a few years, I took a 180.  Illinois Bell needed to fill women in men's jobs so I started working as a central office technician, "frame dame".  I planned on staying for one year........28 years later, 2002, I retired from AT&T, ending up as circuit designer in the engineering dept.   In 1970, married classmate Harold Goldman. This year will be our 40th anniversary.   Time sure does fly.  We moved to the California (Bay area), in 1982 and ending up staying.  Don't miss the Chicago winters at all.  We've done some traveling with three of my favorite places being Australia, New Zealand and Alaska.  To keep busy in my retirement, I Jazzercize, dabble in beading, am finally learning to read music and play guitar, remodeling house, and gardening.  As far as gardening goes, it's gophers 7, Denise 2....but I plan to win.   Found out what my role in life is.  After having dogs my whole life, I find out I am a "cat whisperer".  I now have 5 cats (had 7) who all sit for their treats.  The secret is to be totally ignorant and treat cats like dogs.  Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.  Email:

Cheryl Halper Kirschbaum, Class June '65

After attending the University of Missouri and Mt. Sinai School of Nursing in Chicago, I married and moved to San Francisco where I lived for four years until the Rocky Mountains became my home. My two daughters, Lisa now 37 and Dana 34 were raised in Denver, CO and I met Sam, my second husband, in Denver as well. We have been married for 22 years and live in the City center near the Denver Art Museum. Together we have created a meaningful life with friends who became family.  Just recently, I became a grandmother for the first time to a precious little girl named Hazel; in August, our family will be blessed with a second grandchild, a little boy. Since our daughters and their families live in Tucson and Los Angeles, and my Mother lives in Florida, we travel frequently to visit, and thankfully with Skype, the distance seems not so far.  Nursing evolved to owning a chain of retail stores, but my heart was always in community development and real estate. I remember, at the age of 12 climbing around construction sites on Pill Hill, curious about how houses were built. A career in real estate development wasn’t an option then, but  as I look back, all of the things I have done have led me to here.  I have worked in the nonprofit sector in healthcare, housing and the arts and became President of Mercy Housing SouthWest, a regional affordable housing development organization for many years.  Now, I have my own business, City Projects, Inc.,  providing real estate advisory and development services in the nonprofit sector.  I am passionate about my work which allows me to consult, speak and write about how real estate can promote social change. Meditation and yoga keep me grounded and Sam and I are grateful for the life we have together.   Website:  Email:

Sheldon "Shelly" Helfgot, Class June '65

I find it difficult to believe how long it's been since we have all gathered together and how much I look forward to seeing you all again.  I have been married to my wife Diane (a New Trier HS girl who was never on the South Side) for 38 years and have two fantastic daughters (Marisa Mandrea and Alison Friedman), two terrific son-in-laws (Dr. Steven Mandrea and Matt Friedman) and four of the cutest grandchildren (Max (5), Josie (3), Braedyn (1 1/2), and Ariel 8 months).   After graduating from SIU in 1969, I was introduced into the apparel industry through my wife and represented a number of well-known fashion houses, opened a chain of apparel stores, and worked into a role as VP, Director of Stores for a nationally known retail chain.  In 1989, I opened The ShelWrite Group to help people gain meaningful employment and employers gain highly skilled employees through my companies:  AAA Resume Writing Service ( &, "Chicago's #1 resume writing service", AAA Career Outplacement & Coaching, and AAA Professional Recruitment & Placement.   Our leisure time is spent traveling (just returned from Mexico and Palm Springs, and Israel and Prague last year), seeing and socializing with our friends including the Bernards and Pullmans, going to our clubs (Metropolitan Club of Chicago and Midtown Tennis Club) and enjoying having our children, grandchildren, and friends gather around our pool for a day of swimming and barbeque (you're all invited).  The great South Side will always be a part of me and I can't wait for our weekend together to renew our friendship.  Email:

Ilyse Hyman Mechanic, Class June '65

Working backwards...I'm a special education teacher in Evanston District #65. This is my 23rd year working in the district. School life is never boring. I love my job! I have had the privilege to work with some awe-inspiring kids. My home life is never boring, either. I have 7 adult children (6 adopted) ranging in age from 26 to 40, and 10 grandchildren. My biological son lives in San Diego, another son in LA, 7 grandkids + respective parents live in Beloit WI, 2 in Naperville, and 1 in Chicago. So, there are many birthdays, scout celebrations, picnics, and shopping trips. I also have 2 twin teenage foster sons who live in Skokie with me. They have lived with me for the past 3 1/2 years. I also have a gentleman friend, John, with whom I share vacations, family life, and folk music concerts.To stay sane, I folk dance every Monday night. I've been dancing for 23 years  (someone at my first school suggested I'd really enjoy dancing and I did!) I do International folk dance; Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, Macedonian, Israeli, Greek, Japanese, and a few country/western dances make up the majority of our repertoire. It's wonderful fun. I also ride my bike to work; 10 miles round trip, go to a Kundalini Yoga class, and to the Botanic Garden as often as possible. I have 2 rescue cats now. Sadly, not enough time for a dog, but I have had as many rescue dogs as foster children (about 35)over the years. I have lived in the Chicago area for nearly all of the past 45 years with the exception of 2 years in a spiritual community in Tennessee, and about a year in the hills of West Virginia.  Email:

Froma Jacobson, Class June '65

How does one sum up 45 years of loving life except to say I spell froma  with a small ‘f’ because the capital letter is too rigid, my hair is no longer fuchsia, my mother constantly asked why I could not sequence correctly  and I choose to eat dessert first….I have landed in Scottsdale Arizona after attending schools across the country (Washington University, Columbia and USC) and teaching in Milwaukee (UWM). My children, their families and my profession weave the fabric of my life…. Those who know me in my role as mother cannot imagine my professional passion and the reverse is also true!  My kids are scattered all over the country and give me more pleasure than I can possibly convey:  their accomplishments, values and the decisions they have made prove that I was not truly ‘the worst mother on the block’!  Amy (38) lives with her family in Portland where she works as a bank VP, Ethan (36) is a geek with Mayo in Phoenix,

Joie  (34) is a rep for Merck in Phoenix  (is married to her 6th grade sweetheart and has twin toddlers), Felissa  (27) is married to Evan and they both teach high school in Colorado Springs and Keara  (24) is a rabbinical student in-between Jerusalem, Portland and LA! I look at the family portrait and keep thinking ‘who woulda thought!?!”  Daddy told me that he would pay for my undergraduate education if I completed four years with a career:  my art history grade prevented admission to Central Institute for the Deaf so I ended up studying Occupational Therapy (to make a long story short) and earning a Master’s in education.  I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and was called upon to guide thinking about the role of OT in Assistive Technology and Universal Design 34 years ago.  My career has included direct service practice, systems change and my current position as a faculty member in the College of Health Sciences /Occupational Therapy at Midwestern University. And then there’s froma ~ in my free time I love to hike, walk, work out, do yoga, knit and rip, laff and sip a robust red wine.  No longer the shy girl in the background, I enjoy fun cars, polka dotted nail art and my doctoral studies in Educational Leadership and Innovation at age 62 at ASU West??? I am especially happy when Carter and Kailyn help me untangle my yarn and Lucy and Emily sit on my lap to help hold the ‘sticks’ and ‘yarn ‘with me ~ what could possibly be better?  I cannot say that life has been without its challenges but love, family and friends have added the sprinkles to the ice cream sundaes.  Email:

Bill James, Class June '65

After leaving Bowen, I attended the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, and graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics at Northwestern. Following school, I joined Johnson & Johnson, working in the development of their disposable diaper. I remained with them for 34 years, developing a number of new products, including surgical and other textiles, various absorbent products, and a number of novel processes and devices. These resulted in 18 U.S. Patents. I retired in 2002 as a Senior Research Fellow. 

My ex-wife and daughter live in the Chicago area. My second wife, Maggie, and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this August. She has a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, and is presently Dean of Students at Cherry Hill Seminary. During summer (hurricane season) we live in central New Jersey in a house we designed and built, and on a restored sailing ketch in the West Indies during the winter. Maggie already had two sons when we married. We now have 4 grandchildren. Hobbies include sailing, skiing, scuba, and motorcycles.


Mark Jenkins, Class June '65

It certainly has been an interesting journey since leaving Bowen and my favorite home room teacher, Olga Gekas. Lots of good times and some bad times.  I met a wonderful young lady, Linda, who has learned to tolerate my obnoxious idiosyncracies.  We raised 2 great kids and have 3 fantastic grandchildren  I graduated from Drake University in 1969 with a degree in Political Science and double minors in German and World History.  But since I didn't know what I wanted to do, I bounced around from job to job for a period of time..  But, in those days, the draft board watched young men very closely and I was fortunate enough to get into an Army Reserve unit located at 71st and Jeffery and finished my 6 year hitch as a Staff Sergeant (E6) in 1975.  My wife and I married in 1974 and soon moved to Rockford, IL where our daughter, Brooke, was born in 1978.  We then relocated to Houston, TX in 1979 where our son, Scott, was born in 1982.  (The only time I ever wore a jacket  was when we  were inside the Astrodome)!  We have lived in the New Haven, CT area since 1987 where I have worked in various management positions for the past 20 years for one of the world's largest medical device manufacturers.  We love to travel throughout New England during the fall as the foliage is absolutely gorgeous.  For the past few years, Linda and I have driven to Pittsburgh to watch our beloved Cubs battle the Pirates.  Our daughter is a stay-at home mom taking care of our 3 phenomenal grandchildren:  Samantha Nicole, age 7; Emily Taylor, age 4 and Nathan DeRiver (a middle name tradition from our son-in-law), age 2.  Sammy has red hair, Emmy has brown hair and Nate has blond hair.  Scott is single, living in the Glens Falls, NY area.  He received his BS degree summa cum laude in Atmospheric Science from SUNY-Albany.  In 2007, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and waged a successful battle against the disease.  I will always admire her courageous struggle to beat the disease.  She is now active with  in several breast cancer organizations   I plan on retiring within the next few years and am considering doing some consulting work.  I won't be able to attend the Reunion but hope everyone will have a great time reminiscing.  Email:

Donna Jerich Seward, Class June '65

The foundation of a building gives it its' strength, durability & the ability to expand.  The foundation of our lives was growing up on the south side of Chicago-and what a great foundation that was!  My life has taken me in many directions but nothing I couldn't handle thanks to everything we were exposed to growing up in one of the greatest cities in the world.  After graduating from Bowen, I went on to four years at Western Illinois University, left without a degree, but had a lot of fun.  I was married shortly afterward, had my daughter, Samantha, who is my best friend & my greatest accomplishment in life & raised her in Hinsdale.  During my first marriage, I helped Michael Butler producer of HAIR run the Oak Brook Polo Club.  That was a lot of fun meeting movie stars, Prince Charles, & some very talented & crazy polo players.  My marriage soon ended & I found myself 40 & single again after a verrry long time.  A few years later I met my soul mate & am happily married for 21 years!  During my marriage to Bob I have traveled the world, got certified to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef, sailed, & most of all have played many of the great golf courses in the country (a hole in one at Medinah ).  I've had homes in Chicago, Hinsdale, Glen Lake, Michigan, Duck Key & Vero Beach, Florida, Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania,& now Charleston, South Carolina where you will find me selling real estate for Sothebys. Anywhere I have ever travelled, anyone I have ever met-my strong foundation of growing up on the south side has always made me confident & comfortable in every situation.  Seeing everyone after all these years will be great fun!!! Email:

Jeff Kahn, Class June '65

I went to NIU after Bowen, graduating with a marketing degree in '69.  had #46 in the draft lottery ( I still remember the exact number), so I spent 6 years in the army reserves from '70-76.   My professional career began in 70, selling payroll services for ADP in Chicago.  When I married Genie in 74, she made me promise we would move to a nicer climate, so in '76 we moved to south Florida.   In 77 I started my office products company, which I sold in October '08.   Our life in Florida has been wonderful and very fulfilling.  Most of our family is here.....Genie's mom and my mom live nearby.  Our children: Marni lives in Atlanta, is getting married April 10th to her partner Casey.  Marni is concluding her Ph.D. work in sociology, and is currently teaching at Georgia State.  My son Jason lives in NY, is in charge of special events for Soho House ( the private club you may have seen in SEX AND THE CITY with the swimmng pool on the roof), and has written 2 plays.  Genie is a theater director, working in many different adult theater venues in south Florida for many, many years.  She is recognized by her peers as a very talented director.  I continue to work, but not as hard or as intensely as I did for many years.  Thinking about retiring, but am a little frightened of doing so.  Hobbies include lots of golf (back permitting), reading biographies and American history.   I do anticipate taking adult classes in history and world geography when I retire.  Perhaps a summer residence in the Carolina mountains?  We still have some traveling to do, but life really has worked out well.   Looking forward to the 2010 reunion. Email:

Carol Kalver Bagdonas, Class June '65

In high school, I remember being amazed at what good actors Madeline Tarnofsky and Susan Demirsky were.  I loved gym class doing sports with Denise Hirsch, Jill Schwimmer, Lolly Trevino, Bev Boersma and Lois Felton.  Swimming, not so much.  Mrs. Sass, the Spanish teacher, was my favorite teacher of all time and I actually learned algebra from Mr. Browning.  I loved assemblies.  I remember having fun doing skits with Jan Callner and Elliott Delman.  (I hope I spelled these names correctly.  I looked at the index of my Benoite to get them right but the print is so tiny I gave up.)   Difficult to sum up 45 years, but here are some factamundos about me.  After graduating from Bowen, I went to Northern Illinois Univ. for a year.  I transferred to Wayne State Univ. in Detroit, MI, got married, moved to California, got divorced and settled in Berkeley, CA.  I graduated from the Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley in 1974 with a degree in fine arts.  A few years later, after being called to jury duty, I trained to become a court reporter and have been working in Superior Court in Oakland, CA. for the past 20 years.  I got married again in 1983 to Mike Bagdonas, who I met as a law student at Berkeley. 

We have two beautiful daughters, 23 and 25.  They both live in San Francisco, about a half hour from where I live in Orinda.  I'm happy they live so close.  I'm also happy that they're employed.  What I do for fun (and the kicks just keep gettin' harder to find), is sing and play the piano.  I'm in two singing groups.  One is a performance group and we perform during the holiday season.  I'm still good friends with Jill Schwimmer and I see Beverly Sandler (class of '64) and Dennis Kaplan (dark hair, class of '63, I think) regularly.   I love running into Bowenites when I'm in Chicago visiting my mom and sister, Gail.   See you all soon.  Email:


Carole Kaplan-Cohen, Class June '65

Dennis Kaplan, Class June '65

After medical school, Dennis moved to Southern California to complete his radiology fellowship training. He started his radiology practice at Kaiser Permanente of San Diego over 30 years ago. He says about himself,  "My family and I have always enjoyed the treasure of recreational activities available in San Diego as well as the beauty of the region. While  growing up, I was inspired by his family and other compassionate people I knew to become a doctor. I am grateful to have the opportunity to fulfill my childhood hopes by practicing medicine. I work with a dedicated, talented, and cohesive group of hardworking professionals to deliver the best care we can provide. Staying fit and living a balanced and healthy family lifestyle is important to me. I'm in the business of delivering health care, so I try to live the lifestyle that makes my promotion of health credible."

Mike Katz, Class June '65

I went to Washington University in St. Louis (with 3 or 4 women from our class) and majored in American history.  I met my wife Barbara in my senior year—she was a freshman from NYC—and spent 6 years wooing her and following each other around—NY, Boston, Charlottesville, Virginia—until we married.  Eventually I ended up with  Masters degrees in political science and history before moving to Boston where we both taught in the same school and had our first child, Andrew (now 32).  Finally decided one more degree was necessary and went to law school and had two more children, Jonathan (29) and Julia (26).  We moved to NY, Barbara taught and I have been practicing in a small firm focusing on families, estate planning and general practice.  An important part of my life has been being on the board of a number of great small non profit organizations (including Children's Tumor Foundation ( )—sort of an outgrowth of my professional life.   Sadly, Barbara, who became a renowned nursery school teacher/director in NYC, died two years ago after a 2.5 year battle with brain cancer.  Of course, that has been very difficult for all of us.  Kids are great—no one married and no grandchildren—but they are doing interesting and exciting things which were beyond my imagination 40 years ago.  Andrew is working in the education department of the Brooklyn Historical Society.  Jonathan is about to enter the UC Berkeley Haas Business School in the non-profit track, and his girlfriend, Zena, is working at the Hesperion Fdn which publishes medical and public health care books for impoverished communities with little or no medical facilities—her project is rewriting When There is No Doctor. And Julia worked for a NYC foundation preparing women for apprenticeships in the construction trades (her grads helped build new Yankee Stadium), but she is now going around the world working on organic farms ( I am very proud of them.  Email:

Bonnie Katzman Chelin Kanowitz (1947-2010), Class June '65

I am now retired. I worked at the Disney Magnet School in Chicago where I was director of the Communications Art Center before being promoted to the Director of the second floor (third and fourth grade students and staff). I have a Masters' Degree in School Administration. My family and I have lived in Northbrook for 30 years. I really enjoy living in this community. My husband, Stuart, the executive director of a long-term care facility, works in Portage, Indiana, quite a ways from home. My eldest son, Brad, is married to Karen, and he is a lawyer. My younger son, Jeff, is in school studying in a masters' degree program to become a school counselor. He has a degree in Business and Marketing from Indiana University, Bloomington. My stepson, Josh, is a healthcare consultant for Humana in Cincinnati. I remember the 25th reunion fondly. I am fortunate that I have many life-long friends from Caldwell and Bowen. Looking forward to seeing you all. Email


Bonnie recently succumbed to a multi-year battle with cancer. She would have loved to have been at this 45 year reunion and share with you her beautiful smile... Bonnie's husband, Stuart, was her most avid supporter as they shared a life together for over 20 years.  Every hat that she wore—daughter, student, teacher, volunteer, wife, mother, relative and friend—she wore well.  Through much of this, she was fighting to stay alive. Bonnie has been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to all of us.  She taught us the meaning of tenacity and perseverance.   ~Helen Low Rivkin and Carole Nart Brooks


"But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,

All losses are restored and sorrows end."

~William Shakespeare

Merry Kent Kral, Class June '65

Living on the south side of Chicago and attending Bowen High School was an opportunity we will always cherish.  I married Bill Kral, class of January, 1965 after we both graduated from the University of Missouri ( in 1969).  We thought we would temporarily live in the St. Louis area, but after 41 years we truly have settled in – GO CARDINALS!  We have 3 children:  Billy, 38, Kristin, 36 and Nick, 34; 4 grandchildren – Kaitlyn 13, Madelyn 10, Amanda 9 and Adam 7.  They keep us busy attending all their various activities.  Bill is in management with Boeing and I retired from teaching in 2004 after a 30 year career.  Now I keep busy with golf and travel.  Bill and I are anxiously waiting July.  Email:

Lew Klein, Class June '65

My memories are typical of those growing up on the South Side of Chicago. Bowen was the scariest of times - isn't High School scary for everyone old  enough to be in High School? - and the most exhilarating of times -isn't High School the place when you first realize who you might become?  In the few years that have followed,  I I did all that I was supposed to do; go to College and then College again, worked in Social Service, got through my first marriage, procreated,  moved to San Diego 28 years ago to be closer to Sarah the daughter, became and still am an investment advisor with a Wealth Management Practice. , After 17 years of going to art galleries, theatre, dance and all things avant-garde, I meet Marnie, the Mrs., at a baseball game. LewKLEIN at a baseball game?  She and Sarah started picking on me two weeks after we met and they still won't stop. Sarah has become a very successful documentary and project specific filmmaker living in NYC Marnie the Mrs., and I get along much too well to be married but I can live with that. She works harder than I. She is passionate about her work in with Court (kids in jail) Schools but that's not a big deal; she is passionate about everything. I serve on various commissions, boards and organizations all of whom have frequent receptions and events- which have become my primary form of exercise. What has recently surprised me, however, is how fond my memories are for Chicago, Jeffrey Manor and Bowen High School.  I won't be at the reunion, but this web site, Memories of Jeffery Manor and others sites gives me a window into how our lives have progressed and if you feel as I do, how exciting and yes, scary (I end as I began) our journeys  have been and continue to be. Email:

Susie Klein Fairchild,  Class June '65

What?  45 years since the South Side of Chicago, Bowen, Carl's Hot Dogs, Rib Hill, the JCC, etc???  Impossible!!  What a great time we had.  After a first marriage where I had two children (our daughter Jenny, a Licensed Social Worker, married to Sean, a dentist, and our son Jason, an Analyst, married to Joyce, a Project Manager) I had a few careers in Real Estate, Cardiac Tech and Sales, before finding my niche in Human Resources management from which I just retired and am now collecting that huge (haha) check from the government called Social Security.  I met my second (and last!!) husband, Al, fourteen years ago in the Chicago suburbs, moved to Buffalo Grove and then decided we both wanted to find a place with less snow and humidity.  We found the beauty of Sedona,. AZ where we felt we finally found "home" and moved there almost seven years ago.  We enjoy hiking, dancing (yep, still doing the jitterbug), volunteering at our local theater playhouse and taking trips around Arizona.  Between us we have 5 children (three of them with spouses) and 5 grandchildren who are the love of our lives.  We try to get back to Chicago to see the kids as much as possible and between times the web cam helps us stay in touch.  Still not sure if we will make it to the reunion so, just in case we don't, have a ball and know we will be thinking of you!  Email:

Kathy Kmiec Carr,  Class June '65

After a good educational foundation at Bowen, I took a conventional path and earned a degree in Marketing at UIC.  In my senior year, my life took a turn that I never expected.  During graduate school testing at Northwestern, I met this intriguing Army guy from Colorado.  I married Chuck, my sweetheart of 41 years.  He extended his service and we spent a paradise year in Hawaii.   Back to the reality of civilian life, we settled in Colorado.  I worked for a time with the Forest Service & filled in occasionally at Chuck's firm.  We raised two sons and became a family of alpine skiers.  In 1978, tired of the corporate rat race, we decided to open our own independent property & casualty insurance adjusting firm in So. Ogden Utah.  What beautiful country!  We were closer to the mountains and added golf and soccer to our avocations.  Eventually, we acquired other offices and I got my own P&C adjusters license.  In January 2002, we were empty-nesters looking forward to the Winter Olympics here in Utah, when an auto accident left me with a spinal cord injury.  Unfortunately, I watched the Olympic events from my hospital room.  I'm a C5-6 incomplete quad, with good recovery, but I am never without my "wheels" - walker or chair.  With my wonderful husband at my side, my children, great friends and neighbors, as well as a strong faith, I maintain a can-do attitude.  I continue with therapy and exercise, and do what I can, albeit much slower.  We enjoy traveling.  Son Mike & his wife - both Army Lt Colonels - are in Fayetteville NC now, with our favorites grands, Mackenzie(6) & Logan(3-1/2).  Our youngest, Jeremy, is in health care IT and has loved living in the Chicago area for over ten years.  You can still find us on the golf course - I'm now the designated cart driver.  Although I miss Chicago, I wouldn't trade my life out West.  I'm looking forward to seeing all you "old" folks again this summer.   Email:

Bill Korda, Class June '65

After graduating from Bowen, I went on to the University of Illinois at Chicago and received my undergraduate degree in Business.  I earned my Masters of Arts in Human Resources at Loyola University at Chicago while employed full time.  After undergraduate studies I accepted a position with Inland Steel Company in the Human Resources area and wound up spending 38 years with both Inland and then Ryerson Inc. before retiring early in 2008.  I was lucky enough to lead the HR function as an officer at Ryerson, reporting to the CEO, for my last 15 years. I really enjoyed all aspects of HR, especially negotiating with major unions.  In 2009, I accepted an adjunct teaching assignment in the undergraduate business school and MBA program at Loyola.  In 1969, while working a summer internship, I met the love of my life.  As Ricky Nelson said, “Hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart”.  It was love at first sight and Mary Lou and I will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day 2011.  It is virtually impossible to not remember a Valentine’s Day wedding anniversary date, but dinner reservations can be difficult.  We have one son, Bill, and he finished his undergraduate degree at Northwestern and Masters at Loyola.  He currently works with a law firm in Chicago and has successfully avoided his mother’s many attempts to find him a marriage partner.   Mary Lou and I enjoy traveling and spending time with our families.  We have remained South Siders, currently living in Palos Heights, Illinois.  I have great memories of high school, especially the baseball team and close classmates.  Looking forward to the reunion and the opportunity to reconnect.

Reva Kornfeld Denlow,  Class June '65

After Bowen I went on to Washington University in St. Louis (with Froma Jacobson as my roommate) where I majored in biology and was pre-med.  During freshman year I started dating Mort, who was from St. Louis, and we ended up getting married the summer between junior and senior year.  Most of our friends thought we were too young but it worked out well as we have been married for over 41 years.  We ended up back in Chicago so Mort could go to law school and I could support him.  I became a seventh grade science teacher for three years and then started having kids, three boys and one girl, who are now ages 37, 35, 31 and 28.   I enjoyed full-time mothering and all that goes with it.  Lots of volunteer work too.   Later I taught Hebrew and Judaica to children and adults for 15 years at our synagogue. I also enjoyed taking art classes regularly, painting, quilting, jewelry making.   Our 3 married children have produced 6 grandkids and they all live within 2 miles of our home.  So I am now a very busy Nana, helping everyone out with childcare and fun gatherings at our house.  Unlike so many of you who have moved all over the country, we have lived in one place, Evanston, for 37 years (two different houses).  Mort practiced law for 24 years and then became a judge for the last 14 years.  We travel as much as possible but also really enjoy what the Chicago area has to offer in theater, music, nature, art, sports and the wonderful lakefront.  Looking forward to the reunion!  Email:

Paul Kovich, Class June '65

 After graduating from the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, I worked in Illinois State Government for a few years (Governor’s Office of

 Human Resources).  In 1977 I moved to Los Angeles, California, and found work at the University of Southern California, serving as Director of

 Undergraduate Student Services/Academic Advisement in the Department of Political Science.  I am using my degre in Political Science for a job in my field.  I am still working at USC in the same capacity.  I love my job helping to guide and empower college students to succeed.  Every day is satisfying, and I hope to work here for a few more years before I retire. Working at one of the top universities in the world is a dream.  I take advantage of lectures, cultural and sporting events, and everything a university and the city of Los Angeles has to offer.  Living in Los

 Angeles is amazing, with the great weather and so many activities to do nearly every day.  I have travelled to all seven continents.  When I did nine landings in Antarctica in 2011 (including going south of the Antarctic Circle), I had reached every continent in the world. And to think that I had never flown on a plane until I was 22 years old!  When I visited Cambodia and Vietnam in March 2015, I had been to 47 different countries. 

I still travel to Chicago at least once a year (but usually in Spring or Summer unless there is an emergency) and do love to visit.  I still support all Chicago sports teams:  Sox, Bulls, Bears, Blackhawks, and Fire.  USC is my only LA team that I support.  One of my accomplishments was to

 have seen every one of my Chicago sports teams win a championship, by either personally being at their championship game or going to at least one winning game during their championship series.  I flew down to New Orleans in 1986 and got a ticket to see the Chicago Bears win their Super Bowl game.  During the 1990s I saw several Bulls championships, including going to two winning games at The Forum when they won their first

 title against the LA Lakers. I saw the Chicago Fire win their MLS title at the Rose Bowl.  In 2005, my greatest sports thrill was to get into game two of the White Sox World Series win at U.S. Cellular Field.  And when the Blackhawks beat the Philadelphia Flyers a few years ago, I got into two winning games at the United Center.  I do love L.A. and still enjoy Chicago (except for the politics).  I have the best of both worlds and I am grateful for every day.  Email:

 Robert Kreda, Class June '65

Upon hearing about the 45th reunion, I did not spend much time providing a bio.  4 years have passed.  Much has happened since then.  As planned, my wife, Marilyn and I move to Denver, CO in the fall of 2013.  I always enjoyed being in or near the mountains.  This feeling stems from many travels out west.  I  have traveled thru the Canadian Rockies as well.  Now I need to put things in perspective.  I have fond memories of our childhood neighborhood. High School, for the most part, was uneventful.  A major change occurred in my family's life after my junior year.  My father was sent to Vancouver, B.C. to manage the construction of their new state of the art newspaper plant. I completed my high school senior year in Vancouver.  That was an adventure.  Vancouver is a beautiful city. Mountains on one side and water on the other.  The best of both worlds.  My father passed away unexpectedly.  I returned to Chicago in the summer of 1966.  I attended UIC.  I pursued my passion for art and design.  It is a lifestyle.  I think it was always in my blood.  My career spanned several decades in various architectural firms and design studios.  I consulted on numerous exhibit design projects and taught design in several different colleges and universities.  I met and married my wife in the fall of 1979.  My significant other grew up in northern Minnesota, sometimes known as the arrowhead region of Minnesota.  Marilyn wished to be closer to her family.  I tagged along.  I always had a desire to attend graduate school, so I investigated, applied, and was accepted into the design program at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, part of the Research Triangle Park.  I successfully completed the program and re-entered the professional world.  In between semesters we took trips into the Blue Ridge Mountains, the ocean and toured numerous Civil War Battlefield sites (an extremely moving experience).  Just to name a few: Manasass, Antietam, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, Petersberg and Fredricksburg.  We continued ot live in the mid-Atlantic area until the year 2000.  We returned to Chicago for family and professional reasons.   We took several trips to colorado to ride the historic narrow gauge steam engine.  The most memorable was the Durango -Silverton.  Now that we are in Colorado, we plan to travel the scenic by-ways, do more scenic rail travel, and visit the numerous national parks out west.  At some point, we plan to go overseas.  We would like to cruise the fjords of Norway among other sites.  Whether we fulfill all of these travel wishes is yet to be determined, but it is fun thinking about it.  Like everyone else, life has been a journey of unexpected ups and downs.

I always wanted to ride motorcycles.  I rode motorcycles from the early 80s to the late 80s.  It is not that riding motorcycles is unusual; it is where I had the opportunity to ride.  While living in Northern, MN, land in spite of the short riding season, I rode up and down the North Shore of Lake Superior numerous times.  The North Shore of Lake Superior is very scenic.  While we lived in North Carolina, I took many rides up the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Hundreds of miles of unspoiled scenery.  Almost every Sunday (spring, summer, and fall) I spent riding all over the countryside of North Carolina with a large group of high performance Italian sport bike (Moto Guzzis, Ducattis, Aprilias,  Bennellis) enthusiasts.  I chose to stop riding upon returning to Chicagoland.  It became too dangerous.  Too much road rage and people yacking on their cell phones.  Anyway, not much unspoiled scenery.  My wife and I devoted many joyous hours spanning 30 years caring for 9 collie dogs.  What a great way to take a midday snooze with your furry canine companions when it was way below zero; i.e. Northern MN.  Now we are in Colorado.  Need I say more?  Email: 

David Kulwin, Class June '65

I graduated in January of 1965. Keith Lowman, Ben Strauss, Mike Bendas and I  went out to eat at Krapil's Restaurant. There had been a freezing rain that night.   The ride was I started at Southeast Junior College (at CVS) fall of 65'. It was "Bowen plus”. Big Bowen alum hangout. Took some great classes those two years. During the summers, a couple of us switched boxcars at the Norfolk & Western rail yard on 103rd & Torrance Ave., US Steel on the east side, and at the Ford plant on 133rd street. Met some real interesting people on that job. Some switchmen could finish off a six-pack while jumping on boxcars and pulling pins! These were the real athletes. Finished with a B.S. in Education at NIU.   The next several years I taught at Chalmers elementary school near Roosevelt & Western. One of three schools built for air conditioning but the units were never installed. And the windows didn't open. We all melted in June. In the early 70’s I left teaching, and spent the next twenty years in the menswear business. First doing local and national display work, then working as a Midwest road agent representing European clothing and sportswear collections. Glamorous! Attending menswear shows in New York and LA. The collections. The fabrics. To die for! Of course, traveling with roll-up racks, suitcases full of samples and piece goods, three or four clothing bags, and then coming home after a week on the road to three feet of snow in your driveway. Jeez....   In the early 90's I started originating mortgages for a firm in Lake Forest, and by the mid 90’s I moved from Chicago to Scottsdale, AZ. Arizona?  Strange state. Two days after I moved here the state passed a law that you can carry guns. I go to Blockbuster; the guy in front of me got a sidearm. Hiking up the mountain, people are toting guns. They had signs at the entrance of office buildings: "no guns past this point". Not only did they have major auto accidents everyday, they had "roll-overs". Really. Automobiles rolling over on their side because the driver made the turn too fast. Honestly, I thought I moved to Mars. It is pretty nice to live here. But July - August. No appropriate adjective for hot. They had to close the main airport one day because it was 123 degrees. It was to hot for planes to take off!   I have one son practicing law in downtown Chicago with my kid brother Shelly. He’s also a Commissioner for three fantasy baseball leagues. I had to read Fantasyland to understand the addiction. A Cubs fanatic. Always going to the games. What a life. Me, Three marriages, and I loved them all. Just haven't gotten a handle on that issue.  Currently hanging with my crew: three cats - writing mortgages, insurance and working on a small real estate project. In Arizona no less!   Hope to make it to the reunion. Picture-Tombstone's Boothill, Tombstone, AZ.  Email: 

Barry Lakin, Class June '65

I’ve always had fond memories of my days at Bowen, especially Southeast AZA, but it wasn’t until I sat down to write this little bio, that I realized it was during those years that I made the three decisions that guided the rest of my life.  First, I made the decision to pursue a career in aerospace after I attended a NASA conference downtown when I was in Mr. McClelland’s physics class.  After graduation, I went to the U of I in Champaign-Urbana and got my B.S. in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering and went to work for McDonnell Douglas.  Secondly, I went on vacation with my parents to California during the summer between my sophomore and junior years.  I fell in love with Southern California.  Why would anyone not want to live there?  No more shoveling snow to get the car out of the driveway.  Sunshine (almost) every day.  Disneyland only 20 minutes away.  Only 2 hours from the mountains or the desert.  It seemed like paradise.  After graduation from Illinois, I headed west!  Lastly, and absolutely most important of all, I asked out this really cute girl that I met in Mr. Vogel’s U.S. History class, Sandy Friend.  The rest is our history!  We both went downstate and got married right after graduation.  (No, I didn’t get married just to have company on the drive to Long Beach.  I really needed somebody to do the cooking!)  It’s hard to believe that was 41 years ago, but we are still together, still in love, and looking forward to a long and fun-filled retirement.  Sandy’s bio talks about our 2 wonderful kids, so I won’t go into any more detail here.  The great thing is that they both live nearby and we get to spend a lot of time together.  I guess it just runs in both our families, as both of our parents eventually followed us here from Chicago after they retired.  Sandy’s folks both just turned 90, and my mom just turned 89.  Unfortunately, my Dad passed away 6 years ago, but we all have great memories.  After working at Douglas for 7 years, I grew tired of plotting graphs and left engineering for good.  (Douglas paid my way through USC where I got a Masters in Systems Management.)  I changed directions and began what turned out to be my “real” career in manufacturing.  I worked for several companies, eventually spending 8 years at TRW (back in aerospace) and finally as Materials Manager at a machine shop just 12 miles from home.  (Back to aerospace again!) I retired 2 years ago and took up golf, after not touching a club for 45 years!  One of these days, maybe I’ll be a half way decent golfer, but I have fun playing twice a week and enjoying the good weather all year round.  I also go to the gym, see lots of movies, concerts and theater, and really enjoy going to Angels games.  I will always remember the playoffs in 2002 when I got to see them win one game in each round, and especially Game 6 of the World Series, coming from behind to beat the Giants.  The noise in the stadium was deafening!  I still hope all you Cubs fans will get to experience that someday.  I also follow the Fighting Illini (with thanks to the Big Ten Network) and have been to both Rose Bowls they played in since we graduated.  Some day soon, we want to travel, but for the time being, we are helping our folks.  We are both looking forward to seeing old friends again at the reunion.  (Not that old!)   Email:

Barry (Lidskin) Landon, Class June '65

I earned a B.S. degree in Journalism from Northern Illinois University in 1969 and a Masters degree in Education from Pepperdine's School of Education & Psychology (Malibu, CA) in 2002. After more than 40 years in the public relations field (the last 12 as owner/operator of my own PR counseling firm -- The Landon Group -- based in the Los Angeles, CA area) I became a middle & high school English teacher for the Los Angeles Unified School District. I retired from full-time teaching in 2007 and have worked ever since as a substitute teacher for several school districts near my Thousand Oaks, CA home.   My beautiful, loving wife of 26 years, Jeri (a native Californian), and I have six grown children and 10 grandchildren (so far!). Jeri is a Health Educator at California State University, Los Angeles.

Allan Levin (1948-1992), Class June '65 

Allan attended Avalon Park Elementary School in Chicago for 8 years before moving on to Bowen.  Interesting Bowen connection: Allan's first cousin  Roberta (Levin)Morris began as a teacher at Bowen during the 1964-1965 school year!  Allan attended UIC, earned a BA at SIU, then an MA from Loyola (both in history). Unable to find a job as a history professor, he attended Northeastern Illinois University to receive his CPA, in which field he practiced for 20 years.   It was at SIU where he met his wife Roberta Feigen Levin. They married in 1968 and had 2 children, Katie in 1976 & Josh, 1980. The family settled in Des Plaines in 1984.  Allan was a diehard White Sox and Bears fan, attending several White Sox games every year with his children. He was a great fan of classic TV shows including Dr. Who, Monty Python, Moonlighting, Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, and Rocky & Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle.  At age 44, Allan experienced a fatal heart attack, the same condition to which his father and his brother Roger succumbed, at ages 45 and 42, respectively.

Bernie Lipson, Class June '65

When I think of growing up on the South side, it always brings a smile to my face.  My first job was paperboy for the Southtown Economist.  I delivered papers on Jeffrey Blvd and Chappel between 96th and 98th streets.  At Luella, I became lifelong pals with Ric Cone. We formed Odd Jobs, Inc., an enterprising company where we primarily cut grass and shoveled snow for our neighbors.  At Luella, I also remember the candy store on 100th street, where we could get 5 pieces of candy for a penny. At Bowen, I quickly acquired the nickname “VIPS”.  Even today, if I see Lloyd Rutzky at the ball park it’s “Hey VIPS!”.   My favorite  class at Bowen was Public Speaking. One of the girls in class did a commercial take off on Breck Shampoo, which she called ‘Dreck Shampoo”.  As she described rubbing the dreck into her hair, half of the class, who were Jewish, were on the floor laughing, and the other half had no idea why.   After high school, I went to Southeast Junior College, where I dated Elyse Bellows for a year.  I graduated from Northern Illinois University and worked for the Social Security Administration for 27 years before taking an early retirement.  During that time I became a confirmed bachelor and traveled extensively.  After retirement , I did some volunteer work at a social  service agency. They hired me part-time. My boss was Elyse’s brother, Michael.  Elyse and I reunited after a 40 year break.  Just like in the movies, we fell in love all over again, and we are currently engaged.  I guess good things are still coming my way from the Southside. 

Joe Lite, Class June '65

I must have done something wrong, 'cause I was at the 10th reunion, and never heard from anyone since! I am living in Dayton, Ohio, happily married to Wendy, working as a mental health therapist. I have a 20 year old daughter who is at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington. I have fond memories of Bowen. I was happy to see the website-my much older brother was searching for information on his 50th, and passed it along. It was amazing to look at folks, some of whom I remembered more clearly than others (some of whom I attended Hebrew school with), saddened to see folks who are no longer with us. Anyway, I was in school at Champaign-Urbana, ran away to Ohio to start working, and have been exiled here ever since, having worked in Xenia (after the big tornado), Columbus, Coshocton (don't ask), Mt. Vernon, Springfield, Cincinnati, and Dayton, the biggest chunk working with addictions. Still driving like a fool, still waiting for my motorcycle to get repaired. Would love to hear from you and other classmates. Email:

Angelo Loukas, Class June '65 

After Bowen, graduating from N.U. was a highlight.  I was fortunate to play football for four years and honored to be elected captain!  I had a short NFL career making the 1969 Buffalo Bills and finishing with the Boston Patriots two years later (I mean short).  After substitute teaching at Bowen, I decided to get a job. Unable to find a real job, I decided to work for myself buying some rundown buildings in what is now Wrigleyville!  Forty years later I became an overnight success!  I have been blessed with a wonderful wife Ursula, who has given me two beautiful children Alanna (24) and Alexander (22).  We look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion. Email 

Helen Low Rivkin, Class June '65

Upon graduation, I was off to Champaign to receive a degree in El Ed. After teaching for a few years, I met my husband Rick.  Happily married for 39 years, Rick and I have three grown children and a beautiful granddaughter. Currently I teach pre-school part time. This affords me the opportunity to spend time with our granddaughter and do volunteer work. Additionally, I enjoy reading, love to experiment with new recipes, attend plays and go to Ravinia for summer concerts.  Chicago is always my home but I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel and explore the cultures and history of other countries. I feel that I have been blessed with wonderfully fulfilling life. I guess that I am a real Chicagoan because I love living here. I truly enjoy the seasonal changes of the Midwest and am always in awe of that first breathtaking snowfall of the winter season. Growing up on the south side gave me positive life-long values.  We “south siders” have a special bond that I believe never disappears.  I look forward to reminiscing at the reunion. Email: