More Memories from Don Ransenberg

Post date: May 8, 2010 9:58:10 PM

Senior year in I believe Ms Freestrom's class someone brought a squirt gun and sprayed it to the front of the room.  No one would confess and it was thrown out the window.   Mr. Goldberg the iron enforcer came in and said if it is not on her desk when he comes back in the room we would not walk in graduation.  Is this an urban myth or truth.  Does anyone remember this? Can't remember who it was but after <Mr Goldberg left the room.   someone dove out the window and retrieved the squirt gun and saved the day.  Who was that hero?  

One more and I would be remiss if I did not recognize Bowen teachers for their caring and nurturing attitudes toward us especially Ms Mae Simon and Mr. Murray Hozinsky.   This is why I believe many of us went into the helping professions.