Mark R. Schub


Mark passed away on Mary 24, 2011

Obituary, Memories, and Condolences

~ Fred Berger

Mark and I were pals during grammar school and high school. We hung out a lot as kids.  Later, we were both on the Bowen Arrow. Many years ago, I was living in San Diego and found out he was in the Los Angeles area. We arranged to go together to the 25th reunion.  In the past couple years, I had learned that Mark was on kidney dialysis.  He was unable to make it to our 45th reunion.  Jerry Brooks and Carole gave me a Reunion book which I sent to Mark. He was very pleased to read about our class members.  When Lee Groban recently passed away, Jerry emailed me, and asked how Mark was doing.  I hadn't heard from Mark for many months, and I called him. His phone was no longer in service.  I searched and found a site online with an obituary for Mark from May 24, 2011.  I'm very sad.