Norbert Zook 


Norbert passed away on January 8, 2015.  

For those who wish to donate to his favorite charity, The Anti-Cruelty Society has always been on the top of his list.

Obituary, Memories, and Condolences

-Elliott Delman

One Saturday afternoon—oh, it must have been 1957 or so—I was strolling through the neighborhood and I saw a festive gathering of kids at Norbert's house. As I got closer I noticed it was a birthday party. For Norbert. Spotting me, he rushed out his front door and implored me to join the party. "But I wasn't invited," I meekly responded. "You just were," he merrily chimed.  It was a great party. 

~Joel Rubenstein

 Wow. At the reunion, I was struck by how youthful he looked. He had barely aged 20 years in the 45 years since we parted.  I have a couple of great Norbert Zook stories from high school, since we were in AZA together and did a few other things:

1. He had a wicked sense of humor, and most thoughts were dirty thoughts in high school. Once, we were driving in my dad’s Ford station wagon, which he used  for deliveries for his butcher shop on Baltimore Ave near Bowen. Norbert noticed the weird smell and I said, “ Oh, that is from the meat my father drives around with.” He replied, “Can I get together with some of them?”

2. He and I were vendors at Soldier Field in1964 for a big Civil Rights Rally with Dr King, hosted by D.J. Daddy-O Daylie. I was sheltered behind a counter selling 10 cent cokes, but Norbert was unafraid and ventured into the stands on a hot summer’s day, selling large straw hats listed at $5. He decided that people were so sweaty that he would charge $40, and he got away with it. My $25 for the day was dwarfed by his take of close to $1000. It was then I realized he was probably cut out to be a businessman.

~Pete Ciganovich

Norbert came to me at the 45th. We talked for awhile and had a wonderful conversation, catching up on 4 + decades.

Memory Eternal, Norbert!