A Sad Day in History for Us All

~Linda Gottfried Yusim

It was a Friday, November 22, 1963- junior year- and I was sitting in Ron Subeck’s journalism class. Suddenly Jeff Ablin came in and whispered to Mr. Subeck.  Mr. Subeck turned, faced the class and told us that our President, John Kennedy, had been shot in Dallas. My first thought was that this was a stunt for the journalism class that our teacher had cooked up. After class, in the halls, kids were all talking, upset and confused. I remember seeing Harvey Lindenberg and telling him what had happened in my class-he said he had heard the same rumor-that it must be true. I gathered my books from my locker, walked out of Bowen in a daze, and took the bus home alone. I sat with my family in front of the television all weekend, not wanting to miss any of what was unfolding before us.