Perceptions of Chicago (from those who really don't know)

Post date: May 26, 2010 5:08:01 AM

I am not sure if this is appropriate, but one thing that those of us who live away from Chicago notice is how our home town in perceived. While I have many friends who believe with me that it is clearly the best city in North America (and I would have moved back but for the fact that my parents lived there, and now I doubt if I could take a winter). There are two common misperceptions, that those who have not left may not run into. First, there is a presumption that since I am from Chicago I must be a Cubs fan. But the one that riles is the view that Chicago is corrupt and the rest of the America has honest government. An example. In the 90’s I served on my synagogue’s Board of Trustees. At that time there was a fund-raising drive launched to raise money for a new social hall. When the committee presented its plans to the board I asked if it would be possible to have the two social combined into one big hall should a large event warrant. I was told that this would depend on the approval of the building inspector. Well, I know what that means. I stated that the real issue was whether we would shmear the inspector. “Oh no,” I was told. “You are from Chicago where such things happen all the time, but here in Los Angeles the inspectors are honorable professionals and will not countenance such an attempt.” Chastened, I retreated. Six months later the same committee came the board asking for approval to spend money on a ‘zoning expeditor’ and the following dialogue ensued.

Me: What is a zoning expeditor?  


Other board member (native Angelino): This is someone who knows his way around complicated zoning rules and  can get us the variances we will need.

Me: You mean he knows who and how much to shmear.

Other board member:  [silence]

Me:  Okay, I will vote for this, but don’t you ever tell me again that LA is honest and Chicago is corrupt.


I am sure others who live away from Chicago have similar stories. But that does not limit the advantage of living someplace where you do the Thanksgiving turkey on the outdoor grill!


Mark Weinstein