Some Memories

Post date: May 7, 2010 2:46:20 AM

Probably some of the best times I had at Bowen was playing in the band and orchestra. Silly things I remember like the first day I met Mrs. Caldwell.  She asked me what instrument would I like to play.  I said drums...She pointed to the back of the room and that started a four year career with the Sousaphone and Tuba. I also remember putting foam padding on the sousaphone as it weighed about 35 pounds and I weighed at the time about a hundred.   Also remember we got to make our schedules before anyone because of band practices.  Being able to have lunch in the bandroom and Play hockey.   One day some errant pass broke a cello I think we all collected money to pay for it. Remember playing in a Thanksgiving parade and all our valves froze.  Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. Cvejanovich really cared about us.  Some years later he was playing with an orchestra in a musical in Cincinnati where I live.   Somehow he looked me up and gave me a ticket.  Don't know if he is still around.   

I also remember a really bad snow storm and my brother Dan and I walked to school.  we found out that the school closed not because of the weather but because almost no teacher could get there.   Don't know if anyone remembers this but I remember one day into lunchroom my brother Dan over the shoulder threw I believe a bottle in the of the large garbage cans..  Does anyone remember this.  I also want to thank Ellen for starting this and looking forward to seeing all of you in July.

~Don Ransenberg