The Girls Across the Viaduct - Maddy Tarnofsky

Post date: Aug 19, 2015 5:16:23 AM

I was a Jeffrey Manor girl.  There were elevated train tracks that ran alongside 95th Street that divided the Manor from that other neighborhood, where Markons was.  In order to get to the other side of the tracks and out of Jeffrey Manor, you had to pass through a dark, creepy, moldy smelling viaduct.  Walking through was kind of scary.

My grandparents lived on the other side of the viaduct in South Shore.  My aunt and uncle and some cousins, too.  Other than my relatives, I didn't know anyone who lived on the other side.

In 1961, when I started Bowen, that changed.  I met four special girls from across the viaduct.  Each one became one of my most treasured friends. Each one became a remarkable woman.

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