Alan Gilman


Obituary, Memories, Condolences: Shalom Memorial Funeral Home.

~Neal Gothelf

Alan has been my loyal friend since his 3 year birthday back in the manor.  Our lives diverged after college summer breaks ended and we went on with our lives with occasional visits, parties and phone calls to talk about our beloved Cubs and life's moments.  No matter how infrequent our calls became at times, it always seemed like our last call was yesterday.  It's picking up the phone and hearing his familiar voice that I miss already.  When Alan and I were walking to school for 1st grade, Alan picked up a stick and waved it saying, "I'm going to be a great doctor and I will find a cure for cancer!"  I told him I'd hold him to it and he looked me in the eyes and quipped "not to worry".  He was a great doctor, I can assure you of that. 

His attributes included his passion for life, his loyalty, his intelligence, his unselfish giving of himself to others, his wife, two daughters and a son, and his two grandchildren...both girls.  He also was unselfish lending his expertise to his friends fighting cancer; firsthand, he helped extend my life with passionate pleas to my oncologist not to rush to chemo prior to treating a severe sinus infection.  Thanks to Alan and two rounds of chemo, I am still here fighting the good fight!

~Bob Van Gelder

Alan and I grew up across the street from each other in Merrionette Manor on the South side of Chicago. Both attending Luella grammar school and Bowen High School, I was the January graduating class and Alan the June class of 65. So you can say we are life long friends. He was a great guy. After about 45 years of living our lives, I found Alan living a mile away from me in Highland Park, a suburb of Chicago. We picked up our relationship where it had left off many years earlier. We would meet for breakfast and discuss the world situation and our family.  I will definitely miss him. God took him way to soon. Alan, Rest in Peace.