Margo Bass Hirschfeld


Margo passed away in 2005 at the age of 57.  

We will miss her warm smile and upbeat personality.

Link to Obituary

~ Enid Grabiner

Margo always had a presence!  Although small in stature, she made heads turn as she was always beautifully coiffed and dressed. Named “Best Dressed” in the Class of ’65 is testament to that!  However, it was not her appearance that she should be remembered for, but what was inside.  She had an uncanny memory and could always match a face to a name.  She knew everything about everybody.  Even later in life she was the go-to girl for the latest news and gossip.  She was also an exceptional friend whose loyalty was second to none.  After high school Margo went to Ohio State University and then transferred back to Chicago and graduated from Roosevelt University.  She taught elementary school before marrying the love of her life, Steven Hirschfeld.  They were a terrific pair, complementing each other well.  They lived in the city as newlyweds and then settled in Northbrook as they raised a family.  Margo worked with me as a camp advisor, helping families choose appropriate summer programs for their kids.  She was phenomenal in that capacity as she easily connected with clients and always remembered something personal about each.  She made each day something to happily anticipate.  Margo’s best legacies are her sons Judd and Zach. They are a tribute to her mothering. Unfortunately she missed both their weddings to great young women who would have finally provided her with the daughters she never had. She would have been thrilled to know she will soon have a new grandchild. We should remember her life and not her too-soon death from cancer. When I asked Steven how he thought Margo would want to be remembered, he said her headstone says it all:  “Loving wife, mother and friend.”