Barry S. Cohen


Barry passed away on January 21, 2023.  

For those who wish to donate, send to City of Hope.


~Charlene Wilson Reimer

Imagine my reaction when, on a rare visit to Facebook, I found the following:


Barry Cohen 

By now, you might have heard that my best friend, Barry S Cohen … passed away a few days ago. Our friendship goes back 60 years plus! This was a shock to all who knew him. He was Big Barry, and I was Little Barry … together we were ‘Ditto’

A son before his mother? A student before his teacher? It was backward! But for the first time I was able to distinguish which Facebook Barry Cohen was which. The last time I saw either of them was at their graduation from Bowen in 1965. The Facebook Barrys looked a little different, to say the least! I knew ‘Big Barry’ as Barry S, and ‘Little Barry’ as Barry A. It was the joke of 4 years when the 3 of us would collide, to ask and confuse which Barry was which. It was my honor to know them both and to be allowed into their friendship and laughter.