Botany Blitz

Botany Blitz

"Botany blitz" is a collaborative fieldwork project between the BCW and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. To learn more about it, read the article, Wisconsin's Botany Blitz!

BCW volunteers conduct plant surveys of state natural areas, compiling inventories of both native and invasive species. This plant survey data provides the WDNR a baseline for applying appropriate management strategies to protect Wisconsin's state natural areas.

Wisconsin is fortunate to have protected over 600 State Natural Areas (SNA) that preserve outstanding examples of natural landscapes and native communities, significant geological formations and archeological sites. For many SNAs, however, the species composition of the native plant communities are poorly understood.

The BCW has partnered with the WDNR to conduct plant inventories of candidate SNAs throughout the growing season. These efforts are coordinated by the BCW and conducted by BCW member volunteers and interested parties.

Amateur and professional botanists interested in participating in this worthy collaboration are encouraged to participate (see past and present botany blitz schedules below). Contact the BCW for more information.


2017 Botany Blitz

2016 Botany Blitz

2015 Botany Blitz

2014 Botany Blitz

2013 Botany Blitz

2012 Botany Blitz

2011 Botany Blitz

2010 Botany Blitz

2009 Botany Blitz

2008 Botany Blitz