NEW! Galium (Rubiaceae) Workshop

Post date: Jan 19, 2016 9:00:17 PM

Please join us on Tuesday February 9th in Birge Hall on the UW-Madison campus for a workshop on the bedstraws (Galium: Rubiaceae) of Wisconsin by John Zaborsky, Botany graduate student. Bedstraws, known for their whorled leaves and prickly stems, are a common component of forests and wetlands throughout the state and can be difficult to tell apart. This workshop will cover all species known to occur in Wisconsin and allow participants to work with specimens of the most common species. You are encouraged to bring your own specimens that you may be puzzling over!

What: The Genus Galium in Wisconsin (John Zaborsky)

Where: Room 243, Birge Hall, UW Madison Campus.

When: February 9, 2016. 6:30-8:00 pm.

Who: Open to the public

Please check this site for free on-campus after-hours parking options:…/Visitor_afterhours.aspx

Questions? Contact Kevin Doyle (; 608 358-8867) or Mary Ann Feist (; 608 890-1427).