NEW! BCW Sponsors WI Invasive Plants Event

Post date: Nov 1, 2015 1:11:33 PM

Please note and share with others the following announcement prepared by WDNR Natural Heritage Botanist, Kevin Doyle and UW Madison Herbarium Curator, Mary Ann Feist, who have organized a botanical gathering for Tuesday, November 10, from 6:30pm to 8pm. The topic is Wisconsin Invasive Plants.

The Botanical Club of Wisconsin will begin hosting a monthly event on the second Tuesday of each month in or around Madison. Join us on Tuesday November 10th from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the Wisconsin State Herbarium on the UW-Madison campus. Kelly Kearns, Specialist on Invasive Species/Endangered Species and Biodiversity from the Wisconsin DNR, and John Zaborsky, botanist from the Department of Botany at UW Madison, will present talks on Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: New Species to Look for and How to Report Them.

We will also discuss how to identify the invasive species presented and specimens will be available for examination. In addition, attendees are invited to bring in specimens or photos of plants they have observed that they believe may be invasive.

What: Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: New Species to Look for and How to Report Them

Where: Room 158, Birge Hall, Wisconsin State Herbarium, UW Madison Campus. More about visiting the herbarium here. (Access by door on east side of Birge Hall along Lincoln Dr.)

When: 6:30-8:00pm.

Who: Open to the public

Please check this site for free on campus after-hours parking options:

Questions? Contact Kevin Doyle (; 608 358-8867) or Mary Ann Feist (; 608 890-1427).\