NEW! BCW Hosting Monthly Event

Post date: Oct 1, 2015 9:26:13 AM

The Botanical Club of Wisconsin will begin hosting a monthly event on the second Wednesday of each month in or around Madison. Join us on Wednesday October 14th from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the Wisconsin State Herbarium on the UW-Madison campus as we review the 2015 field season, focusing on interesting botanical finds. Botanists from the Wisconsin DNR and UW will share their stories and collections, but others are encouraged to share as well. Found an endangered orchid? How about a new county record of a non-native weed? Got a plant you just can’t identify? Attendees are invited to bring in specimens or photos of plants they found this year that were rare, unusual or otherwise interesting. Along with sharing stories of our botanical adventures in 2015, we can explore the State Herbarium’s extensive collection.

Future meetings will include presentations on various botanical topics, guest speakers, field trips or just socializing with other botanists.

What: Interesting Botanical Finds from 2015

Where: B1 (lower) level of Wisconsin State Herbarium, Birge Hall, UW Madison Campus. More about visiting the herbarium here.

(Access by door on east side of Birge Hall along Lincoln Dr.)

When: 6:30-8:00pm.

Who: Open to the public

Questions? Contact Kevin Doyle (; 608 358-8867) or Mary Ann Feist (; 608 890-1427).