NEW - Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest

Post date: Nov 10, 2011 3:54:49 PM

Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest by Paul W. Skawinski is a full-color, photographic field guide to the aquatic plants of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. As an expanded version of the popular guide Aquatic Plants of Wisconsin, this book easily and effectively teaches readers how to identify 131 species, with over 350 color photos and easy-to-understand descriptions.This guide is designed to be comprehensive and user-friendly for professionals and casual users alike. Magnified inset photos and detailed descriptions make identification as easy and enjoyable as a day on the water. Handy appendices include botanical keys and much more.In addition to more photos, more species coverage, and a broader area of coverage, Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest contains more extensive descriptions, and an introductory section on aquatic plant ecology. Additional appendices have also been added, including a table of “Coefficient of Conservatism” values for each state. These tables give the reader an idea of the quality of habitat in which each plant is typically found. A botanical key to the pondweeds (Potamogeton, Stuckenia, and Zosterella) has been added, and the key to watermilfoils (Myriophyllum) has been revised and updated to include low watermilfoil (Myriophyllum humile). For those who press aquatic plants to submit to herbarium collections, an appendix of author citations is also included.196pp, published September 2011.Source: