November 15 - The Vegetation of the Brule River Watershed Spanning the Last 160 Years (1852 - 2016)

Post date: Nov 6, 2016 1:53:34 PM

Botanical Club of Wisconsin Presentation and Meeting

Please join the Botanical Club of Wisconsin on Tuesday November 15th for the following presentation by Paul Hlina of the Lake Superior Research Institute: The Vegetation of the Brule River Watershed Spanning the Last 160 Years (1852 - 2016)

The Bois Brule River and its watershed (Douglas Co.) remain unique and outstanding among watersheds in all of Wisconsin. The river’s cool spring waters with an even and constant flow and the surrounding land have for centuries sustained a system of unique and threatened forest communities in Wisconsin (Pine Barrens, Cedar Swamps and Boreal Forests). The natural communities of this watershed and their progression throughout the past 160 years will be discussed starting with the 1852 Public Land Surveys conducted by Stunz & Fellows. This will be followed by summaries of the vegetation surveys of J. W. Thomson (1942-1944) and the forest plots of D.W. Davidson (1968-1969). Finally, the results of the first year of a three-year ongoing study of the current status of the vegetation of the region will be presented. Paul Hlina of the Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI) will take you on a journey of the plant changes between these time periods and highlight the rich flora that still exists in the Brule River watershed today. The current Brule River project is a large collaboration and includes botanists from a number of organizations including LSRI, the Wisconsin State Herbarium, the Illinois Natural History Survey, UW-Stevens Point, and the Minnesota DNR.

What: The Vegetation of the Brule River Watershed Spanning the Last 160 Years (1852 - 2016)

Where: Room 158, Birge Hall, UW Madison Campus.

When: November 15, 2016. 6:30-8:00 pm.

Who: Open to the public

Refreshments will be provided.

Please check this site for free on-campus after-hours parking options:…/Visitor_afterhours.aspx

Contact Kevin Doyle (; 608 358-8867) or Mary Ann Feist (; 608 890-1427).