NEW! Bryophyte Workshop

Post date: Dec 23, 2015 2:26:11 PM

Please join us on Tuesday January 12th in Birge Hall on the UW-Madison campus for a workshop on the bryophytes of Wisconsin by Jeff Rose, Botany graduate student and bryophyte enthusiast.

Wisconsin is home to over 500 species of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) scattered in a diverse array of habitats, yet few botanists take the time to study these diminutive plants. With its complex geological history, Wisconsin provides plenty of habitats suitable for bryophyte diversity; from globally rare glacial relicts in the Driftless Area, to hyper-bryophyte diverse white cedar swamps.

Bryum caespiticium Hedw. (T. L. Eddy photo)

Because they are understudied, examination of bryophytes provides ample opportunity to obtain many distributional records, including new state records! We will cover what is and is not a bryophyte, basics of bryophyte morphology and identification, and introduce some common bryophytes of Wisconsin and how to easily recognize them in the field. You are encouraged to bring your own samples to identify! We will meet in a teaching laboratory and dissecting microscopes will be available for use.

What: Introduction to the Bryophytes of Wisconsin (Jeff Rose)

Where: Room 122, Birge Hall, UW Madison Campus. More about visiting the herbarium here.

When: January 12, 2016. 6:30-8:00 pm.

Who: Open to the public

Please check this site for free on campus after-hours parking options:

Questions? Contact Kevin Doyle (; 608 358-8867) or Mary Ann Feist (; 608 890-1427).