4. Bibliographie


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BECKARD, Richard, Organization Development, Strategies and Models, Addson-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc. 1969

BENNIS, Warren G., Organization Development, Its Nature, Origins, and Prospects, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co Inc. 1969

BLAKE, Robert R., MOUTON, Jane S., Building a Dynamic Corporation Through Grid Organization Development, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1978

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LAWRENCE, Paul R., LORSCH, Jay W., Developing Organizations : Diagnosis and Action, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co Inc. 1969

SHEIN, Edgar H., Process Consultation : Its Role in Organizatin Development, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co Inc. 1969

WALTON, Richard E., Interpersonal Placemaking : Confrontations and third-party Consultation, Addison-*Wesley Publishing Co Inc., 1969

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