All A>V>C> programs require activation. Even if they are free. Or if they are already paid for when downloaded from an Autodesk store. In any case, you need to go through the activation procedure. Without activation, no A>V>C> command works (except for the AvcOptions configuration command and the AvcPluginsUpdate).
Activation of A>V>C> plugins is not related in any way to licensing of AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Windows or other software. Your relationship with Autodesk is strictly your own business. A>V>C> programs do not check for AutoCAD licensing and do not send any private information anywhere. You don't have to worry about it.
Each program is activated individually for each workstation (that is, for each user of each computer). Activation is required exactly on the computer where the program should work, since the data of this computer will be written to the A>V>C> database.
To activate you need:
For more details:
Download the plugin from the link from this website (there are more recent versions than in the Autodesk App Store). Older versions (older than 2021.6) cannot be activated.
Install and run according to the instructions.
Check that AutoCAD/BricsCAD have internet access (at least at
Run any command from the plugin. This will bring up an activation window.
The activation window will immediately prompt you to enter an e-mail to create an account on the A>V>C> server. Enter your email address and click Save.
The program will try to connect to the A>V>C> server via Internet. If there is no access, activation is impossible.
The program will download your data from the server and if you already have an account, it will show your balance, and if there is no account, it will offer to create one.
Go to the Activation tab or All Programs tab and click on the program that you want to try (there will be several programs in the list that contain the command you invoked).
The license selection window will open. To get started, select the Trial license. It will allow you to try the program for 20 days for free.
If the program suits you, take a look at the list of programs to choose a suitable program or collection. This list shows the cost of each program.
Choose a method to fund your account and transfer funds (unless you have already paid for the download through the Autodesk App Store, of course). Do not write any notes in the payment service except for your e-mail address used in your account.
Launch CAD on the computer you are going to activate and call the A>V>C> Options Palette with the _AVCOptions command.
On the Account A>V>C> tab, you can enter your name. And it is imperative to protect your account with a password (the Change Password button).
If the computer is permanently disconnected from the network, you can try to switch the program to work without access to the network, but this is not recommended.
If your balance is still 0, then wait until tomorrow and try again to open the A>V>C> Options. Usually, the balance is replenished in an hour or two after the donation, but there are difficult cases. Also, the number in the window is only updated on restarts of AutoCAD, so you may just need to restart.
When the balance is sufficient, go to the "All programs" tab, click on the required program, select Annual or Unlimit license.
The program will indicate how much will be debited from your balance and will warn that the funds cannot be returned back. Confirm the deduction of funds and the activation process will be completed.
Plugin updates do not require re-activation.
Buying a new license requires a new activation. Then if you use annual licenses, then you will need to activate each your workplace annually.
When reinstalling Windows, upgrading hardware, or completely replacing your computer, you will need to go through the license transfer process.