Payment & Donations

To use the A>V>C> programs, you need to obtain and activate a license. Some licenses are free, but most licenses require you to top up your AVC account first. The account can be replenished with payments or bonuses. Companies can pay by invoice to AVC Slovakia

You can also make a voluntary donation in gratitude for free programs, for useful updates, for help and just like that. The donation will be used as an incentive for further development, debugging, and improvement of programs. Donations are non-refundable. 

Technical support and short consultations by mail are provided to you free of charge.

Google-Pay or bank card (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Union Pay)

European bank account

Legal entities from the European Union and other countries can pay for the A>V>C> programs to the bank account of AVC Slovakia company and can receive an invoice. 

Write information about your company for the invoice and a list of accounts (e-mail) of your users and send it to  Be sure to send: 

You will be sent payment details. Payment is made in Euro. 





Ethereum and any ERC-20 tokens can be sent to this address.

Make sure you are using the Ethereum network.


At the moment, PayPal donations are accepted by Lubomir Muller - A>V>C> business partner in Slovakia. PayPal account:

ATTENTION! PayPal began to hide the email of the payment sender. Your payment will not be credited to you until you write an email to and inform that it was your payment and to which account it should be credited. It is also advisable to write your email (AVC account) in the notes to the payment.

To avoid confusion, please convert your donation to Euro before sending.

Do not send PayPal to tech support ( or any of the developer's email addresses - there are no PayPal accounts and you will have to reverse the payment.

Other options

In addition, you can send money by Western Union transfers, transfers to the card of Thailand, Kazakhstan or Turkey banks. Details - by mail.

If you are unable to send money using any of the above methods, be sure to write to You can suggest your own way of translation.


Please read Disclaimers!

Donations are non-refundable. 

Please note that all prices are currently quoted in Euros. If you notice prices in dollars somewhere, then this outdated information no longer corresponds to reality.

Do not write any notes in the payment service except for your e-mail address used in your account.

After the donation, the amount received will be credited to the balance of your account indicated in the donation note. The amount will be converted to EUR and rounded up. If the sending method does not allow comments, then write an email to In the letter, indicate how much, when and in what way you donated and the e-mail account to which you want to credit this amount. You can distribute the donation to multiple accounts. Usually, the balance is replenished in an hour after the donation, but in severe cases it can take couple days.

You need to top up your balance to get paid licenses. You can choose the donation amount by looking at the full list of A>V>C> programs.

Look in the A>V>C> Options on the "Account A>V>C>" tab. There you will see that the funds are on your balance sheet. Now you can select a program, get a license for it and activate it.

Those who have already made paimants or donations before can participate in the bonus program in order to spend less on renewing annual licenses.