Auto Language

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Plugin AVC_AutoLng for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. 

Keyboard Language auto switch. Plugin helps to switch the keyboard between English and your native language.

A simple plug-in will help anyone who uses the English version of AutoCAD, but enters texts in their native language. As you know, many professionals fundamentally do not use localized versions of AutoCAD. And there are significant reasons for this. This plugin will automatically switch the input language to your native language as soon as you run any text input command. And will switch the language back to English at the end of the command. Thus, you can safely call AutoCAD commands with familiar keyboard shortcuts, you can enter command options from the keyboard. At this time, English will be enabled. And as soon as you start writing text (for example, call MText or MLeader), the plugin will immediately switch the language.

The command will also be useful in all localizations of AutoCAD|BricsCAD where the names of commands and options are left in English: Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

You can set up a command for more exotic cases - the AutoCAD control language (the language for entering commands and options) can be customized, as well as the text input language. The program knows codes of all languages of the world.

If the switch bothers you, then you can quickly turn it off with the AutoLng command. And then turn it on again.

The language to which the plug-in is switched is taken from the Windows settings, and the command input language is taken from the properties of AutoCAD or BricsCAD. But you can change everything.

The list of AutoCAD commands to switch to can also be edited. By default, all AutoCAD and Mechanical text commands are listed.

Read about downloading and installing the program here.

Program is free for use. If the program really helps you, please donate a small amount.

Usage Instructions

Just install and use! Enter commands from the keyboard or the buttons, and the plugin decides to switch the language or not. No need to monitor the current state of the keyboard. You can use short commands.

To configure the program, enter the AutoLNG command. After its launch, you will see the following options: 


Commands are entered into the list in large English letters without spaces, separated by commas. Use only full English command names. Short command names will not work. The program has no options to add/remove commands from the list. You should prepare the list in advance and enter it all at once. You can return to the default list by entering an asterisk * instead of the list.

You can find the settings for these commands in the A>V>C> Options Palette.

Settings dialog

In the Settings Palette A>V>C> you can configure language switching in a convenient settings dialog, without using the command line. In the input fields for text and command languages, you can enter both hexadecimal and alphabetic language codes. The program knows all existing language codes. And in the drop-down lists there are all the languages installed on your system.

Known Issues

If you click on the table and immediately start typing text, AutoCAD itself activates the input text mode. However, the start editing event appears after you enter the first character. Accordingly, the language switching occurs after the first character is already put in the cell. I.e. first character will always be in English. No idea how to fix it, so I recommend going into input text mode by double-clicking the mouse on table cell so that when you see the text editor window then the language is switched already.