Properties of solid


To work with solid-parts (Solid 3d), A>V>C> programs use a few additional properties. You can see and configure these properties if you install the plugin A>V>C> Properties Palette. But all A>V>C> plugins measuring the size of the solid, work with these properties, even if the A>V>C> Properties Palette are not installed.

Property Texture

Invented for marking parts made of wood or a wood pattern. Use it when you it is important to flag as the texture should be placed. There are three options: when no matter what the part is placed on a sheet of material - use the value No (or blank string). When the wood grain should be located along the X axis of the part laid out by the Lay command (on the long side of the part) - use the value Along. And when along the Y axis - the value Across. If the direction is specified, the command Lay and Sawing Table will write "Texture along" or "Texture across" in the description of the details. 

In addition, if the texture = Across, Lay command will rotate part 90 degrees (short side part along the X axis). And in all commands, including the Sawing Table, the Length and Width dimensions will be swapped. 

To export a Sawing Table to Cutting3 exists substitution %tr% appoint an opportunity to turn the details when filling out the sheets of material. In the Common Options, you can adjust names of texture variants for substitutions. 

The concept of Texture in A>V>C> plugins is purely virtual, it has nothing to do with displaying the render material on the solid yet. If you want the program to rotate details the way you rotate the render texture, you can sponsor such a development.

Property Mirror

It means that the part is mirror-symmetrical to other, similar parts. The Mirror property is used when the same parts are grouped together. If the parts are the same in size and additive, but they are painted differently from different sides, or you need a neat entry of the cutter from one side, then you can mark the mirrored parts yourself in advance by setting them the Mirror = YES property. Then, in the title of the part, the Lay command will be able to separately write the number of "right" parts and the number of "mirrored" parts. You can configure the Lay program so that mirror parts are laid out separately. 

In addition, the program for measuring solids (used in all other commands) will try to figure out itself which parts are mirrored to each other and calculate them separately. Or lay out it separately. But for this, the solids should really differ as the right palm from the left, and there should be no way to get one detail from another by turns in space. This does not always work, so be sure to check the details laid out.

If you have marked any solid as Mirror, then the Lay program will make a mirror copy of the solid about the x-axis and reset this mark at the laid out solid. And the DXFExport command will also create the contours for the mirror part. 

However, it is not recommended to use the Mirror mark as it can be confusing. It is preferable to mark the front side of the parts with color - this is more noticeable and guarantees correct layout.

Note that there is also a Mirror checkbox in the block properties in the AVC Properties Palette. For blocks, a mirror image can be obtained by simply changing the scale along one of the axes from 1 to -1. If such a block is used as an assembly for Lay , then the program will assume that all solids inside the block have a Mirror label and will mirror them before layout.

Property Sweep

Affects how other A>V>C> plugins will measure solid. This can be used in the plugin Sawing Table. By default this property is set to NO. If you set the value YES, then the measurement program will attempt to measure this item, as if it was made from a thin rectangle and smoothly (no fractures) curved in one plane. Such measurement is suitable for the skins stretched on a cylinder or combined cylindrical and flat faces without fractures.If the sweep detail is not rectangular, then measurement it in A>V>C> plug-ins is impossible. And program works not with the surfaces of the cones. Program wouldn't measure parts with angular transitions of the planes (without cylindrical mates). But program can measure sweeps with holes. Note also that the error of measurement may result in a random numbers instead of real sizes.

Property Sweep