Welcome to the A>V>C> Programming company website!

We create programs - A>V>C> plugins for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. These are not independent programs, but modules (add-ons, macros) connected to engineering programs. The development of A>V>C> programs is based on 25 years of experience in engineering and managing a team of draftsmen.

A>V>C> plugins do not have a narrow specialization, they are not a complex industry solution. They were not created only for the exhibition or furniture business, although it was in these areas that they found the widest application. A>V>C> plugins arose from the need to eliminate the routine, speed up the work, eliminate the "human factor" errors. Most of the functions work only with solid 3D models, but there are also commands for working with flat 2D-contours and with any blocks. A>V>C> programs will not force you to relearn, to work differently than you are used to. They allow you to stay within the familiar AutoCAD interface, avoid pop-up windows, unnecessary requests. Their goal is not to turn AutoCAD into another program, but to supplement it with small, simple and useful features.

Today, more than a thousand engineers from all over the world use A>V>C> plugins every day. Most users are in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Ukraine. But there are users all over the world. Hundreds of small companies and large companies like Impact XM, 1220 Exhibits, Freeman. A>V>C> plugins  have been included in the curriculum at a couple of furniture colleges in Germany.

On this site you can find descriptions of all A>V>C> programs, all plugins for AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

You can read the overview of plugins here.


Autodesk App Store - All A>V>C> programs tested by Autodesk staff. Please write reviews for the programs! But there are always old versions.

Bricsys Application Catalog - Catalog of plugins for BricsCAD. You need to enter "A>V>C>" in the search bar.

CADSOMA -  Catalog of CAD plugins.

GitHub - source codes for translating the plugin into your language and for writing your own plugins that interact with AVC.

CAD CRAFT School the school is teaching furniture design in AutoCAD.  English, Русский, Український. There is also the Video tutorials.

Youtube channel of Lubomir Müller (AVC Slovakia). Detailed demonstrations of the entire design process for typical frame furniture.

Video about the Sawing Table plugin. Published by Tatiana Yelina from Ukraine. Voiced in Russian.

Video reviews of plugins A>V>C> from Paolo Coter from Italia. Voiced in Italian.

A Videos of A>V>C> plugins can be found on the Hans Lammerts channel. Voiced in Dutch. English subtitles.

Skill Amplifier - Overview of plug-ins A>V>C>

Facebook or Twitter or Linked-In or Telegram - subscribe to keep abreast of changes, new versions, new video reviews and articles. 

YouTube - Copy of GIFs from this site. Short overview videos about the capabilities of A>V>C> plugins.

A>V>C> Blog - articles about plugins, CAD software, hardware and engineering. So far, only in Russian (but the Translate button is present).

Autodesk forum - A>V>C> profile is on the Official AutoCAD Forum. Here Autocad experts will answer your questions. Nobody checks the licenses.

AutoCAD.Net - A>V>C> profile on the programmers forum.


WhatsApp: A V C Programming 


You can ask any questions about the work of A>V>C> programs, their installation and configuration, optimization of the work of engineers, setting up business-processes in the exhibition business. Help is provided to all users, regardless of whether they made a donation or not. Any suggestions and comments are welcome for further improvement of the programs.

The main method of communication is e-mail. You can write in any language. If you do not write in English, then write in short, simple but complete sentences without abbreviations and without special terms.

Do not forget to attach the problem dwg-file to the letter. 

Over suggestions for you


A>V>C> Programming can provide you with brief consultations related to working in AutoCAD using plugins:

Education and training

You can request short explanations directly to the AVC Programming. But independent experts are engaged in full -fledged training designing furniture in AutoCAD | BRICSCAD:
