Inside Corner

Plugin AVC_IisideCorner for AutoCAD and BricsCAD 

Contours for milling approach in the inside corners

The Inside Corner (IC) command is one of A>V>C> developments to facilitate the preparation of contours for CNC milling machines. When you need a mill to cut a window in the details, then in the inner corners are always rounding cutter diameter. Often, these rounding prevent docking details. To CNC milling machine brought the cutter to the corner, you need to add to the contour of the approach arc. Of course at the same time formed a small gap in the part near the corner. Usually they are not visible or no value. The main thing that the details will dock with each other.

Features of the program

Read about downloading and installing the program here.

To run the plugin, you will have to register account and top up your account balance by making a donation or receiving bonuses.

Then you can activate one of the licenses:

Also command IC is a part of the A>V>C> Pro package.

IC command

At start you can select two lines or a line and an arc. The main thing that they were in the same plane and have a common point. 

Also, you can use Ctrl for selecting two segments of polyline (liner or arched). During the selection of objects, you will have three options:

You can select any cutter diameter. Default = 12mm or ½ inch.  

Note that by changing the diameter in this command, you will reconfigure it in the other contour processing commands (OutsideLoop and DadoLoop).

When entering the diameter, you can also select the Settings option to bring up the settings dialog.

Program will draw an arc with a diameter slightly larger cutter (0.01 mm) and place it in the corner so to provide finishing cutter into a corner, but leave a minimum extra hole.

The command can handle all internal corners of closed polyline. Just program will ask you which side milling.

It is also possible to make notch at 3D model. You can select solid for cutting all inner corners or select solid edge through CTRL which adjoin two flat surfaces forming the inner corner. On the cylindrical surface of the program is not working.

The program works on a cycle, until you press the Esc

The program is designed to work with angles from 90°. For sharp corners, this method does not work because the resulting circuit has a very narrow section.

The program will automatically calculate the sharpest angle that a milling cutter can pass through a given gap. For example, if the cutter is 8mm and the gap is 0.01, then angles sharper than 87.1° will be ignored. If the gap is not specified, a limitation > 90° - 0.5° (angle tolerance) will be used.Does not make sense doing calls in too obtuse angles because "notch" in the details may be hardly noticeable, less tolerance. The program automatically calculates the most obtuse angle for which it makes sense to make the cutter's approach (in which the arc enters into part to a depth specified by the permissible tolerance). For example, for a cutter 8mm and an tolerance of 0.5mm, angles obtuse 122.1 ° will be ignored.If the polyline segments are too short to make the arc between them, the program will ignore such segments, find the intersection point of the following segments and try to make a notch into this "imaginary" angle.

Watch for the command console - there are displayed all the messages of the program.

CNC Options

You can bring up the settings dialog by selecting the Tune option or use AvcOptions palette on CNC tab.

All options have a tooltip.

There are many settings and for your convenience, you can use ready-made sets of settings, which I call CNC-Style. You can create up to 9 styles. You can switch the current style in the header of the settings window. And during the work of the command, you can call the SwitchStyle option and select the style by its number.

Attention! The current CNC style affects all contour commands. Switching the style in one command you will work with this style in all other command too.

The operation of the command is affected by the Cutter Diameter, Gap for Cutter and Permissible variations, as well as the Tolerance settings from the Common options of all the A>V>C> plug-ins.

You can set up contour processing commands (OutsideLoop and DadoLoop) so that they themselves call the Inside Corner (IC) command. To do this, check the Consider diameter and the  Inside corner.