Rule Britannia


James Thomson

When britain first— at heaven's command

arose— from out the azure main

arose, arose, arose from out the azure main

this was the charter,

the charter of the land,

and guardian angels sung this strain:


rule britannia, britannia rule the waves,

britons never never never shall be slaves.

The nations, not— so blest as thee,

must, in their turns, to tyrants fall:

must in, must in, must in their turns to tyrants fall.

while thou shalt flourish,

shalt flourish great and free,

the dread and envy of them all.


Still more majestic shalt thou rise,

more dreadful, from each foreign stroke:

more dreadful, dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke.

as the loud blast,

the blast that tears the skies,

serves but to root thy native oak.


Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:

all their attempts to bend thee down,

all their, all their, all their attempts to bend thee down

will but arouse thy,

arouse thy generous flame;

but work their woe, and thy renown.


To thee belongs the rural reign;

thy cities— shall with commerce shine:

thy cities, cities, cities shall with commerce shine

all thine shall be the,

shall be the subject main,

and every shore it circles thine.


The muses, still with freedom found,

shall to— thy happy coast repair:

shall to, shall to, shall to thy happy coast repair

blest isle! with matchless,

with matchless beauty crown'd,

and manly hearts to guard the fair.

Letra de la canción

I Vow to Thee, My Country

I vow to thee my country

All earthly things above

Entire and whole and perfect

The service of my love

The love that asks no question

The love that stands the test

That lays upon the altar

The dearest and the best

The love that never falters

The love that pays the price

The love that makes undaunted

The final sacrifice

And there’s another country

I’ve heard of long ago

Most dear to them that love her

Most great to them that know

We may not count her armies

We may not see her King

Her fortress is a faithful heart

Her pride is suffering

And soul by soul and silently

Her shining bounds increase

And her ways are ways of gentleness

And all her paths are peace

And all her paths are peace

Traducción de la canción

Te juro mi país

Todas las cosas terrenales de arriba

Entera, completa y perfecta

El servicio de mi amor

El amor que no pregunta

El amor que resiste la prueba

Que yace sobre el altar

El más querido y el mejor

El amor que nunca flaquea

El amor que paga el precio

El amor que hace impávido

El sacrificio final

Y hay otro país

He oído hablar de hace mucho tiempo

Muy querido para ellos que la aman

Lo mejor para ellos que saben

No podemos contar sus ejércitos

Es posible que no veamos a su Rey

Su fortaleza es un corazón fiel

Su orgullo está sufriendo

Y alma por alma y silenciosamente

Sus límites brillantes aumentan

Y sus caminos son formas de dulzura

Y todos sus caminos son paz

Y todos sus caminos son paz