Bang Le

NOAA/NGS - Geodesist

NGS's Role in Validating Real-time GNSS Networks (RTN)

No online presentation available

Bio: Bằng Lê has a B.Sc. degree in Surveying and Geomatics Engineering and a M.A. in GIS for Development and Environment. She worked on the NOAA’s Vertical Datum Transformation (VDatum) project, helping develop VDatum software and its website from 2005 to 2015. Bằng has recently come on board as a Geodesist at NOAA/NGS to lead NGS efforts in validating real-time GNSS networks.

NGS's Role in Validating Real-time GNSS Networks (RTN)

Contact Info:

1315 E-West Highway

SSMC 3 - Room 8245 Silver Spring, MD 20910


Presentation Keywords:

Real Time Networks (RTN's) have grown around the country at an amazing rate over the past several years. They provide precise GPS coordinates very quickly and with little effort, but how accurate are they? If two contractors using two different RTN's built a bridge together, would they still meet in the middle? National Geodetic Survey is developing tools and guidance to help ensure that the coordinates produced by RTN's are consistent with the National Spatial Reference System. This talk will provide an overview of NGS' work in validating RTN's and an update on our progress toward developing tools.