
Early Life

Sargon, often known as Sargon of Akkad, had an intriguing early life. He was born around 2300 BCE in Mesopotamia, an ancient region located in present-day Iraq. However, Sargon's beginnings were quite humble, as he was believed to have been abandoned by his mother shortly after his birth. He was found and raised by a gardener, who cared for him as his own son. Growing up, Sargon exhibited great leadership qualities and a thirst for knowledge. As he grew older, he worked as a cupbearer to a king before eventually seizing power himself and establishing the Akkadian Empire. Sargon's remarkable rise from humble origins to becoming a powerful ruler showcases the potential for greatness in unexpected places. 

Becoming King

Sargon, also known as Sargon of Akkad, had an extraordinary journey to become a king. Born around 2300 BCE in Mesopotamia, Sargon started as a humble individual. He began his career as a cupbearer to Ur-Zababa, the king of Kish. However, destiny had bigger plans for him. Through his intelligence, bravery, and strategic thinking, Sargon gained the support of the military and powerful individuals around him. He successfully led a rebellion, overthrowing the king of Kish and establishing himself as the ruler. This marked the beginning of the Akkadian Empire, one of the first known empires in history. Sargon's determination, leadership skills, and ability to seize opportunities propelled him from a lowly cupbearer to a powerful king, leaving a lasting legacy in the annals of ancient history. 

Decline & Death

The renowned ruler of the Akkadian Empire, were marked by significant challenges. After a prosperous reign, the empire faced internal rebellions and external threats. Sargon's successors struggled to maintain control over the vast territories he had conquered. Economic hardships, political instability, and invasions from neighboring peoples gradually weakened the empire. Ultimately, Sargon's dynasty came to an end, leading to a period of fragmentation and chaos in the region. The exact circumstances of Sargon's death remain uncertain, as historical records are limited. However, his passing marked the end of an era and signaled a shift in power dynamics in Mesopotamia, paving the way for the rise of new civilizations and empires in the ancient Near East. 

Interesting Facts

Credit: Kidsconnect

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Information compiled in this site come from the following sources; British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institute, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Acropolis Museum, Encyclopedia Britannica, Egypt Time Travel, Journey to Egypt, Getty Institute, Boston Museum of Fine Art 

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