Ramesses VII

Ramesses VII was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who lived over 3,000 years ago during the New Kingdom period. He ruled Egypt for about six years, from around 1136 to 1130 BC. Although his reign was relatively short, Ramesses VII left behind an important legacy, including his tomb, known as KV1, in the Valley of the Kings. 

Ramesses VII was the sixth pharaoh of the 20th Dynasty, which was a time of political and social change in Egypt. He inherited the throne from his father, Ramesses VI, and continued the royal lineage. During his reign, Ramesses VII focused on restoring stability to Egypt and maintaining the traditions of the pharaohs who came before him. 

Ramesses VII was born into a royal family. His father was Ramesses VI, who was also a pharaoh. When his father passed away, Ramesses VII became the next pharaoh and took on the responsibility of ruling the kingdom. As a pharaoh, Ramesses VII had many duties and responsibilities. He had to make important decisions about the welfare of his people and the prosperity of the kingdom. He had to ensure that the land was well-governed and that the people were taken care of. He also had to maintain Egypt's relationships with other countries and make sure that the kingdom remained strong and secure. 

During his reign, Ramesses VII focused on restoring stability to Egypt. The country had faced some challenges in the past, and he worked hard to bring peace and order back to the land. He also continued the traditions of the pharaohs who came before him and honored the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. 

The Tomb of Ramesses VII

When Ramesses VII passed away, he was buried in a magnificent tomb in the Valley of the Kings. The Valley of the Kings was a special place where the pharaohs were laid to rest. It was a grand and sacred burial site, and each pharaoh's tomb was unique and filled with precious treasures. 

Entrance to tomb KV1 (Ramesses VII tomb)

Ramesses VII's tomb, known as KV1, was carefully designed and decorated to honor him in the afterlife. It had long corridors and chambers adorned with beautiful paintings and hieroglyphic writings. The walls of the tomb told stories and provided guidance for Ramesses VII's journey into the afterlife. 

Exploring Ramesses VII's tomb and learning about his life can give us a glimpse into the fascinating world of ancient Egypt. We can learn about the pharaohs, their power and responsibilities, and the rich culture and history of this incredible civilization. Today, historians and archaeologists study the life of Ramesses VII and the legacy he left behind. His reign and his tomb in the Valley of the Kings provide us with valuable insights into the ancient Egyptian civilization and help us understand the beliefs and traditions of the time. 

Inside tomb KV1

Information compiled in this site come from the following sources; British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institute, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Acropolis Museum, Encyclopedia Britannica, Egypt Time Travel, Journey to Egypt, Getty Institute, Boston Museum of Fine Art 

If you have edits you would like to suggest, please email Michael.Veley@ship.k12.pa.us