Egyptian Mythology

Religon in Ancient Egypt

"Religion played a big part in the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. They believed in a wide variety of gods and goddesses. These gods could take different forms, usually as animals. The same animal may represent a different god depending on the area, temple, or timeframe."

Egyptian mythology is a fascinating collection of stories and beliefs that the ancient Egyptians had about their gods and goddesses. They believed that these gods and goddesses controlled different aspects of life and the natural world.

Creation Myth: 

Long ago, the ancient Egyptians believed that the world was born from chaos. They told a fascinating story about a powerful god named Atum. In the beginning, Atum emerged from the waters of chaos and brought order to the world. With his magic, he created everything we see today—the sun, the land, the plants, and the animals. Atum was the very first god, and he set everything in motion. His incredible act of creation gave the ancient Egyptians a sense of wonder and showed them how their world came to be.

Gods and Goddesses:

The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses. Some of the most well-known ones include:

Each god and goddess had their own roles and responsibilities, and the ancient Egyptians would pray to them for help and guidance.

Myths and Legends:

 Egyptian mythology is filled with exciting myths and legends that explain natural phenomena, rituals, and important events. For example:

Rituals and Beliefs: 

The ancient Egyptians had complex rituals and beliefs connected to their mythology. They believed in an afterlife and mummified their dead to preserve their bodies. They also built grand temples and tombs to honor their gods and ensure their favor.

Egyptian mythology played a significant role in the daily life of the ancient Egyptians. It helped them understand the world around them, explain natural phenomena, and provide a framework for their beliefs and rituals. Learning about Egyptian mythology gives us a glimpse into the rich and imaginative culture of ancient Egypt. It's like stepping into a world of gods, goddesses, and exciting stories that have been passed down for thousands of years.

Information compiled in this site come from the following sources; British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institute, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Acropolis Museum, Encyclopedia Britannica, Egypt Time Travel, Journey to Egypt, Getty Institute, Boston Museum of Fine Art 

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