Clothing of Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, clothing played a vital role in the lives of its people. It served practical purposes like protection from the scorching sun and the harsh desert environment while also reflecting their social status and cultural traditions. Let's delve deeper into the clothing of ancient Egypt, exploring its evolution, styles worn by royals and common citizens, and how it conveyed their identities.

Clothing for Common Citizens

Commoners in ancient Egypt wore simpler clothing compared to the royals. Their attire typically consisted of tunics or skirts made from plain linen. The length and quality of the garments varied depending on a person's social status and wealth. Wealthier individuals could afford longer and more finely woven clothes, while those with fewer resources wore shorter and less refined garments. Both men and women usually covered their chests, although the specific style of the clothing differed between genders.

Clothing for Royals

The clothing worn by pharaohs and other members of the royal family was lavish and symbolized their status and power. They adorned themselves with elaborate garments made of the finest linen, often embellished with intricate embroidery and decorative patterns. Royals wore headdresses like the Nemes, which was a striped cloth wrapped around the head, or the Uraeus, a cobra-shaped crown representing divine authority. They also wore regal accessories such as collars, bracelets, and amulets, often made from gold and precious gemstones.

Changes in Clothing

The clothing styles in ancient Egypt evolved over time, influenced by various factors such as cultural changes and contact with other civilizations. As new ideas and trade routes emerged, Egyptian fashion incorporated elements from foreign cultures. For instance, during the New Kingdom period, Egyptian clothing began to feature colorful patterns inspired by contact with the Hittites and other neighboring peoples. Additionally, the cuts and decorative elements of garments also underwent transformations, reflecting shifts in fashion preferences and societal norms. 

Clothing held great significance in ancient Egypt, serving both practical and symbolic purposes. The clothing worn by royals showcased their wealth and authority, with elaborate designs and precious materials. Common citizens donned simpler garments, reflecting their social standing while ensuring modesty. Over time, clothing styles changed, influenced by external factors and cultural exchanges. By studying the clothing of ancient Egyptians, we gain valuable insights into their society, identity, and the importance they placed on appearance and social status.

Information compiled in this site come from the following sources; British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institute, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Acropolis Museum, Encyclopedia Britannica, Egypt Time Travel, Journey to Egypt, Getty Institute, Boston Museum of Fine Art 

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