Daily Life in Mesopotamia

Daily life in Mesopotamia varied depending on factors such as social class, occupation, and urban or rural living. However, there were certain common aspects that characterized the daily life of people in ancient Mesopotamia. Here are some key elements:

Agriculture & Irrigation:

Overall, in Mesopotamia, everyone, including men, women, and children, had their part to play in agriculture and irrigation. It was a collective effort where each family member contributed to the well-being of their community by working together to grow and harvest crops, maintain irrigation systems, and ensure the availability of food for everyone. 

In ancient Mesopotamia, agriculture and irrigation played important roles in the lives of men, women, and children. Let's explore what life was like for each of them:

Men in Mesopotamia had the responsibility of working in the fields and taking care of the crops. They would prepare the soil for planting, sow the seeds, and harvest the crops when they were ready. They also had to maintain and repair the irrigation canals that brought water to the fields. Men would often work alongside other farmers in their community, helping each other during busy times like planting and harvesting.

Women in Mesopotamia also played important roles in agriculture and irrigation. They would help with planting and harvesting, but their tasks were not limited to the fields. Women had the responsibility of managing the household, taking care of children, and ensuring there was enough food for the family. They would also contribute to the family's income by making and selling goods like textiles or pottery. Women often worked alongside men in the fields, supporting their families and communities.

Children in Mesopotamia had important roles to play in agriculture and irrigation as well. They would assist their parents in various tasks, such as carrying water to the fields or helping with planting and harvesting. As they grew older, they would learn the skills necessary for farming, such as how to care for animals or tend to crops. Children would also learn about the importance of irrigation and help their families maintain the irrigation canals, ensuring that water reached the fields.

Entertainment & Freetime: 

In ancient Mesopotamia, daily life was distinct for different groups of people, including men, women, children (boys and girls), and royals, when it came to freetime and entertainment.





Information compiled in this site come from the following sources; British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institute, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Acropolis Museum, Encyclopedia Britannica, Egypt Time Travel, Journey to Egypt, Getty Institute, Boston Museum of Fine Art 

If you have edits you would like to suggest, please email Michael.Veley@ship.k12.pa.us