Scholarship of Learning and Teaching

Develop a scholarly approach to innovative teaching practice

Join our learning community

Our Learning Community for Educational Scholarship aims to aid collaboration. Sharing expertise and experience facilitates the development and promotion of new ideas and innovation.

You can join our monthly lunchtime sessions to discuss and progress your SoLT projects in a supportive group setting. These provide opportunities to:

  • Share educational scholarship ideas and gain different perspectives to advance your own scholarship.

  • Provide feedback to peers and receive feedback on scholarly work that includes projects, abstracts, presentations and papers.

  • Explore and identify potential scholarship collaboration opportunities.

We run a workshop to introduce you to SoLT to get you started on your journey. If you would like to participate in our learning community and journal club, click on the 'Participate' button to complete your details.

Please see the What's On calendar to see upcoming events.

What is scholarship of learning and teaching?

We think its a process of intentional inquiry into one’s own learning, teaching and assessment practices with a view to enhancing those practices and improve the learning of our students. The goal of SoLT is to make your inquiry public and visible to enable others to use it to inform teaching practices. By engaging in SoLT you become a producer of knowledge while the scholarly teachers are the consumers of this knowledge.

For more information on SoLT and how you can get started, here is a link to The University of Edinburgh's INSTITUTE FOR ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT with useful information and resources.