Development & Recognition

Development and recognition in learning, teaching & assessment

We provide a range of development and recognition opportunities. Access the links below to learn more and find out how you can participate.

Click What's on for a calendar view of our current offerings.

You can also access the links below to learn more about these events and how you can participate in them.

We provide support for all PATs tutors to enable you to guide and mentor your tutees throughout their undergraduate medical education training.

This scheme facilitates building voluntary learning relationships between teaching staff that offer personal development for both mentees and mentors.

Get access to staff development anytime, anywhere by participating in our interactive online training resources that are designed to increase knowledge and skills and promote critical reflection.

This scheme facilitates connections between teaching staff to provide support and feedback on your teaching that will help enhance your practice.

Develop and progress your scholarship of learning and teaching (SoLT) by participating in our Learning Communities for Educational Scholarship.

Our recognition scheme enables you to evidence your engagement with continual professional development, improve your practice and gain recognition for your roles in teaching, assessment or mentoring.