Peer Observation of Teaching

What is it?

Are you a medical educator who would like to improve their teaching practice? Would you value receiving constructive feedback on your teaching from a supportive colleague?

Peer Observation of Teaching is a mutually beneficial process for both the observer and the observee. Our goal is to facilitate connections between teaching staff within the Medical School and across departments in the Faculty to provide support that will help enhance your teaching practice. It involves an observation of your teaching session, or part of a session with a peer, followed by a debrief session.

What are the benefits?

Going through the process will enable you to learn new teaching strategies and obtain different perspectives on your teaching. This process can also be used as evidence towards professional recognition from the Academy of Medical Educators.

How to participate?

You are welcome to participate whether you would like to be an observer or be observed.

We facilitate regular training to introduce the scheme and share best practice in peer observation of teaching. Please see the What's On calendar to see upcoming events.

Peer Observation of Teaching cycle

How does it work?

  1. We recommend that you attend our training to share best practice in peer observation of teaching.

  2. Complete the form to participate.

  3. The matching process pairs you with an observer.

  4. Email your preferred observer to discuss your needs and expectations from the observation and to schedule the observation.

  5. Participate in a debrief meeting to discuss and reflect on what was observed.

  6. Receive written comments about your observed teaching session to inform your professional development. (Please note, all comments are completely confidential).