Calming Strategies Toolbox

Click a button to explore the Calming Strategies Toolbox! This is a collection of strategies that can help people of any age to handle stressful, upsetting emotions in a healthy way. An orange burst means that a strategy tends to work well even in high-stress situations (e.g., panic or rage).

You can also browse strategies that match all sorts of moods!

Take Deep Breaths

Pace or Go for a Walk

Splash Your Face With Cold Water

Tense and Relax Your Muscles

Use a Fidget or Sensory Tool


Be Mindful of the Present Moment

Use Your Imagination to Visualize

Color a Coloring Sheet

Watch Calming Videos

Use Positive Affirmations

Reframe Negative Self-Talk

Practice Gratitude

Limit Stressful and Social Media

Name Your Feeling

Talk It Out

Write It Out

Create Art

Walk Away and Take a Break

Use Noise Cancelling Headphones

Listen to Calming Music or Noise

Keep Your Space Clean and Pleasant

Focus Your Energy Where It Counts

Do Your Favorite Things

Set Boundaries

Keep a Regular Routine

Spend Time With Your Squad

Get Regular Exercise

Get Enough Sleep

Eat Healthy and Drink Water

Take the Toolbox with you!

Single-Strategy Posters

Pick your favorite strategies and then hang up these mini-posters to remind you or your students of them.

You can also find these posters linked throughout the Toolbox.

In-the-Moment Cards

These are designed to be hole punched and clipped on a ring.

They're perfect for student prompting during de-escalation or as a resource in a calming corner.

Large Toolbox Poster

A big, colorful poster that showcases all the strategies in the Calming Strategies Toolbox!

Perfect for bulletin boards, staff lounges, counseling offices, media centers, school offices, and more!

Trading Cards

Printable decks of small single-strategy cards.

You might use these during a small intervention group, as a resource in a calming corner, etc.