Terms of Use

This page outlines the terms under which this website and the resources hosted on it may be accessed and used by visitors. If you have any questions related to this topic that are not answered by the content below, please reach out to our SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us). Latest update to these terms: June 22, 2024

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Origin and Purpose of Website

This website was created in the spring of 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many school districts created "virtual calming rooms." At the request of the St. Croix River Education District's (SCRED) Superintendents Operating Committee, SCRED staff created this website to serve that purpose for SCRED and our member school districts. 

The intended audience of the website included students, district employees, and the wider community. It was intentionally branded neutrally (i.e., not using SCRED brand colors or those of our member districts) in alignment with its intended purpose as a cross-district, public-facing shared resource.

This website continues to be hosted and maintained by SCRED staff in partnership with staff in our member districts. It has grown far beyond a "virtual calming room" and now serves many purposes for our districts, including supporting teaching and learning for students and professional development for district staff.

Use by SCRED or Member District Employees

The terms of use below were developed primarily for parties who are not employed by SCRED or our member school districts. If employees of SCRED or our member districts have questions regarding the use of this website, reach out to your SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us).

Use by External Parties, Including External School Districts

Visiting and Directing Visitors to This Website

You are welcome to visit this website yourself and to direct visitors to it.

For example, school districts or other parties are welcome to directly link to this website from their websites, training materials, or other resources and to encourage educators, parents, etc. to visit this website. We do appreciate being informed of such activities and encourage you to contact our SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us), to share. For example, the Be Good People curriculum, hosted on this website, is listed on prominent registries created by state organizations or universities, and we appreciate being informed when that occurs.

Another example: Individuals or organizations are welcome to create social media posts that directly link to this website or otherwise direct visitors to it. If you do share on social media, please tag the St. Croix River Education District (@SCREDmn).

Hosted Resources Created by SCRED or Member District Staff

The vast majority of the files hosted on this website were created by SCRED or member district employees. This includes many templates, worksheets, posters, presentations, etc. 

In most cases, a Copyright or a Creative Commons license is listed on the resource itself that specifies terms of use. For example, the most common license you will see listed on our resources is "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" — Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. If you see that license listed on a resource, refer to the Creative Commons website for more information regarding the terms of that license.

If you do not see a Copyright or a Creative Commons license listed on an individual resource, the general "All rights reserved" for this website applies, and you must contact us regarding terms of use. Contact our SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us).

Hosted Resources Created by Third Parties

We use this website to directly link to third party websites/resources (e.g., YouTube videos created by third parties) and to reproduce and distribute files that were created by third parties (e.g., handouts created by Attendance Works). We do so while following the licenses and terms of use specified for those websites/resources.

If you are able to access a third party resource hosted on this website, refer to licensure or terms of use information on the resource itself to determine how you may use that resource. 

If you are not able to access a resource on this website (e.g., you click a link and are blocked from viewing a file), it means that we do not have permission to share it publicly. It may be a resource that SCRED or our member districts purchased and are not able to share publicly. It may be a free resource created by a third party that requires registration prior to use. In that case, you would need to visit the third party website and register yourself in order to gain access to the resource.

Website Content

Unless otherwise noted, the graphics (e.g., buttons, logos) on this website were designed by SCRED staff and you do not have permission to reproduce or distribute them.

Text on the website itself (e.g., the descriptions written next to each button) may be reproduced or adapted for non-commercial purposes and must include an attribution and direct link to this website. It must also be shared under these same terms. If you wish to do this, contact our SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us), for guidance on attribution.

You are welcome to create a website with the general structure of "parent resources", "educator resources", "student resources", and "calming strategies". The same is true for webpages for general categories, such as "Tier 1", "Tier 2", "SEL curriculum", etc. If you create a website with a structure similar to this one and intend to use it to reproduce and distribute resources that are hosted on this website, attribution would be required, in which case you must contact our SEL Services Coordinator, Nic van Oss (nvanoss@scred.k12.mn.us) for guidance on attribution. Such activities must also abide by the terms of use indicated on this page regarding individual resources.