Mood Meter  |  High Energy, Unpleasant Emotions

When my mood is anxious, worried, frustrated, angry, etc., I can...

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Tap a button below

Take 5 slow, deep breaths

Squeeze and then relax my muscles

Count up to or backwards from 10

Bring my focus to "right here, right now"

"Control my controllables"

Repeat a helpful motto, like "One step at a time"

Notice unkind thoughts and "reframe" them

Think about things I'm grateful for

Imagine I'm in a calm place

Use a fidget

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Listen to something chill

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Block out all the sounds

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Write down how I'm doing

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Draw, write a poem, etc. about how I'm doing

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Make my work area neater

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Walk away and take a break

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Pace or go for a walk

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Put my face in cold water

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Color on a coloring sheet

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Watch a relaxing video

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Talk to someone about how I'm doing

✋ Ask first

Have some offline time

Set my boundaries

Plan to do one of my favorite things

Plan to hang out with my favorite people